A Guiding Light. Screening
Performa is pleased to announce the New York premiere of A Guiding Light, by artists Liam Gillick and Anton Vidokle. This marks a historical first collaboration between Performa and the Shanghai Biennale. A Guiding Light is currently on view at the 8th Shanghai Biennale and will be screened with a special live component for audiences at Cooper Union's Frederick P. Rose Auditorium in New York on November 7, at 6 pm. For A Guiding Light, Gillick and Vidokle invited artists Bosko Blagojevic, Noah Brehmer, Nadja Frank, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, and Danna Vajda, critic Tim Griffin, and curators Anna Colin, and Shama Khanna to consider the curatorial premise of the 8th Shanghai Biennale, 'rehearsal.' Working with this theme, Biennale Executive Curator Gao Shiming explored the site of an exhibition 'as a reflective space of performance' that 'focuses on the full process of creating, producing, and exhibiting artwork.'