"Do not enter your home"
Allora & Calzadilla are a collaborative team based out of Brooklyn, NY
and San Juan, Puerto Rico. "DO NOT ENTER YOUR HOME," their exhibition at
PARLOUR PROJECTS is a site-specific work created for this exhibition. The
project refers to the nature of the exhibition space, one connected to a
living space, as a meeting of public and private spheres. Bisecting the
space is a large mirror-finished sign on which is printed a text. The
text is the New York State Law which outlines the definition of Criminal
Mischief in the Third Degree; the intent to damage private property.
Allora & Calzadilla's work functions both as an illustration and
invocation to action, encouraging viewers to consider the intersection of
these public and private realms.
Allora & Calzadilla's work can also be seen at EL MUSEO DEL BARRIO in the
exhibition "The S-Files." As a featured event for Museum Mile, on 13
June, Allora & Calzadilla will present "Chalk." Large scale sticks of
chalk, 8 inches in diameter and 5 feet long, can be used by the public to
write on a mile-long stretch of Fifth Avenue, which is closed for evening
events. This work engages issues of communication on both monolithic and
personal levels.
PARLOUR PROJECTS next month-long exhibition:
Hope Ginsburg (16 July-22 August)
Directions: Take the L-train to Graham Avenue (3rd stop in Brooklyn).
Exit and walk one block on Graham to Devoe Street. Turn left and walk one
and one-half blocks on the right side of the street. PARLOUR PROJECTS is
located at 214 Devoe Street, Apt. 1.
RECEPTION: Sunday, 4 June, 12-4 PM
@ Parlour Projects
214 Devoe St., Apt. 1
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Open Sundays 12-4 PM, and by appointment.
Info: Dean Daderko @ (917) 723-8626