Millennium Galleries
Arundel Gate
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Katerina Seda
dal 1/3/2011 al 29/5/2011

Segnalato da

Museums Sheffield


Katerina Seda

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Gennaio 2025


Katerina Seda

Millennium Galleries, Sheffield

Lisen Profile. Her work often touches on ideas of community, memory and collective identity. In this new commission Seda has worked with hundreds of Czech volunteers, the result is a large scale installation which explores the relationship between the artist's hometown and the people that live there through over 500 drawings of the inhabitant's profiles.

comunicato stampa

From Wednesday 2 March, visitors to the Millennium Gallery will go face to face with an exhibition of new work by international contemporary artist Kateřina Šedá. Líšeň Profile is a large scale installation which explores the relationship between the artist’s hometown and the people that live there through over 500 drawings of the inhabitant’s profiles.

The work has been developed through the inaugural Contemporary Art Society Annual Award, a new national prize supported by the Sfumato Foundation which was founded to enable museums and galleries to commission new work by established artists to join public collections. Following the exhibition, the Award will see Kateřina Šedá’s work go on to join Sheffield’s own visual art collection.

Based in the Czech Republic, Kateřina Šedá produces work which looks at communities, the people in them and the history and experiences they share. In this new commission for Museums Sheffield, the artist has investigated the links between a person and the village, town or city they call home.

Inspired by how physical changes to her hometown of Líšeň subsequently changed the relationships between the people living there, Líšeň Profile is the result of a major project devised to reunite the splintered community. Working with over 500 participants from across the Czech Republic and the people of Líšeň, the installation documents the attempt to find the local person whose facial profile is decided to best reflects the landscape of the town.

Established to mark the Contemporary Art Society’s centenary in 2010, the Annual Award offers £60,000 to support a new commission that will animate and become a permanent work within a public museums collection. The Annual Award is intended to support the work of an artist who is at a stage in their career where they are showing regularly nationally and internationally but may not yet have major works acquired in to public collections.

Kateřina Šedá’s work recently appeared at the Millennium Gallery as part of Art Sheffield 2010

Museums Sheffield: Millennium Gallery
Arundel Gate, Sheffield S1 2PP
Open every day Monday to Saturday 8am - 5pm
(Galleries open 10am) Sunday 11am - 5pm.
Closed 25, 26 December and 1 January
Entry is free

Katerina Seda
dal 1/3/2011 al 29/5/2011

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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