Julien Bismuth
Ruth Buchanan
Lucy Clout
Guy de Cointet
Aurelien Froment
Tamara Henderson
Shahryar Nashat
Javier Penafiel
Andy Wake
Sitting in windows, standing on chairs. The exhibition invites viewers to follow a chain of translations and correspondences across and between the three spaces and to consider the specific modes of display associated with a gallery, theatre and book.
Lying on rocks, sitting in windows, standing on chairs presents the work of nine artists across three spaces at the Royal College of Art: the Hockney Gallery, the Lecture Theatre and a single-edition book, located in the RCA Library. The exhibition invites viewers to follow a chain of translations and correspondences across and between the three spaces and to consider the specific modes of display associated with a gallery, theatre and book. All three modes of display carry particular historical references and ideological connotations; they further offer different spatial and temporal formats which generate possible scenarios for encounter between artwork and audience. The works presented act within and against the exhibition formats in question.
Artists:Julien Bismuth, Ruth Buchanan, Lucy Clout, Guy de Cointet, Aurélien Froment, Tamara Henderson, Shahryar Nashat, Javier Peñafiel, Andy Wake
IMAGE: Aurélien Froment, Second Gift, 2010, HD Video, 05:29 min, 06:01 min and 07:51 min. Production still: AF. Courtesy the artist, Galerie Marcelle Alix and Motive Gallery.
Hockney Gallery, Stevens Building (entry via Jay Mews)
Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, SW7 2EU
Opening days and times: Thursday to Saturday,1pm to 8pm
Closed Sunday to Wednesday
Screening times: 1pm, 7pm