For her exhibition at Karlin Studios, Klodova' presents a part of her Fixation and Relaxation series, with a clear-cut focus on pride and egocentrism. Besides visualizing invisible relations, we can find the figure of the artist presented in the light of someone, who continuously encumbers individuals in surrounding with their own impalpable burdens.
The series of projects developed by the artist though out the past two years and introduced in the show are united by their point of departure, form and applied strategies. The working title of the series is Fixation and Relaxation.
The focal point of the project is to visualize the invisible and most basic and common particularities connected to the existence of the human. It is the universality of respective particularities that opens up a wide space for feelings, empathy and also for unusual and simple eroticism.
The following subjects are scrutinized:
1.Unspoken yet known extramarital relations
2.The temporality of human relations and their indelibility.
3.Interior and urban topology of human eroticism and sexuality.
4.New, yet ordinary forms of recording erotic realities.
5.The non uniqueness of the human individual and his dependence on others.
6. The dependence of woman up on man.
7.The influential power of a role model and prejudice.
From a visual point of view the project can be perceived as a mixture of sculptural, photographic and graphic approaches for which the static and most neutral form of recording becomes characteristic. Klodová makes use of casts taken from real bodies, non-modified photographic portraiture, drawings or maps. Lenka Klodová is drawn to sculpture. In her words: “I have never mastered sculpture yet now I find it useful”. For Klodová sculpture embodies cohabitation and obstructiveness. Her 3D objects made from authentic materials cohabit with the spectator and occupy his space. For this reason they are a fitting extension for expressing relational subjects. Sculpting is relatively difficult, yet due its difficulty also most appropriate. Slow with flaws, yet in their final form with a number of corrections.
For her exhibition at Karlín Studios, Klodová presents a part of her Fixation and Relaxation series, with a clear-cut focus on pride and egocentrism. Besides visualizing invisible relations, we can find the figure of the artist presented in the light of someone, who continuously encumbers individuals in surrounding with their own impalpable burdens. They help her to conduct her projects that focus on the process of their help.
Part of the project has been exhibited since 2009 at Gallery Trafo/Casts of Embrace, Maps, Numbers/curator Mgr. Radek Wohlmuth in the space for one work at Moravská Gallery in Brno /Structure/curator Mgr. Yvona Ferencová at gallery Langův Dům at Frýdek - Místek, /Plans/ curator Libuše Olšíková and at Gallery Cella in Opava / Casts of Embrace, Plans, M+M, Structure, Numbers/, curator Dr. Martin Klimeš. Some included works were developed aboard (eg. Wroclav, Pland), as part of a workshop organized by the artists.
The annual exhibition program of Karlín Studios was supported by: MGHMP, MKČR
Media Partner: Radio 1, Artyč, Radio Wave, Artmap,, Prague Galleries
Project Partner: M2 real estate
Opening: Thursday July 7th 2011 from 6pm
Karlin Studios
Křižíkova 34, Praha 8 – Karlín, 180 00, CZ