Two solo exhibitions in Paris. January 17th - March 15th 2003: At the gallery : Recent sculptures and drawings. March 8th - May 15th 2003: At the Bibliotheque Nationale de France: 12 Large Outdoor Sculptures.
Two solo exhibitions in Paris
January 17th - March 15th 2003
At the gallery : Recent sculptures and drawings
Unlike his previous solo exhibitions at the Chantal Crousel Gallery, this seventh exhibition consists of a declination of exclusively bronze sculptures, framed by a selection of drawings. This choice can be interpreted as a conscious focus - or a reflexion - on a way of defining a surface and a shape determined by the variation of the inner axis of the sculpture*. This preoccupation has been one of the recurrent main characteristics in the creative process of Anthony Cragg since the very beginning. It is already present in the action of 'stackingx{2019} (a.o. " Stack ", 1980, made in Paris and exhibited at the first solo show in the Chantal Crousel gallery).
The present group of sculptures invites to both a retro-spective view on over thirty years of inventing new forms and to a projection of a kaleidoscopic range of yet unexisting forms to come.
*In this respect,the work " Cercles ", 1985, exhibited in the exhibition Tony Cragg at the Musée dx{2019}Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, (collection FRAC Ile de France) is a striking example of relatedness with the present bronze sculptures. Indeed, this work (and later 'Minstersx{2019}), made of found materials, mainly metal objects have as sole similarity that they are round and flat. The sculptures are upright and architectural.
Here, the bronze sculptures are the result of a similar initial gesture : the development of a volume around an axis, whereby the axis is no longer straight, but re-orientates itself, compressing the volumes around it. The result are highly animated objects, the turbulent variants of a spiraling column. In constructional terms, the matrices of these sculptures are vertical turrets, made by ovaloid discs of various sizes and outlines. The transmutating curves infer an energetic dynamic in constant material condition. The resulting forms can be associated with whirlings of tornados, turbans - and human profiles.
March 8th - May 15th 2003
At the Bibliothèque Nationale de France : 12 Large Outdoor Sculptures
The Chantal Crousel Gallery will present 12 large outdoor sculptures by Anthony Cragg on the North-East and South-East plazas of the BNF (quai François Mauriac, Paris 75013).
The range of sculptures (1999 and 2002) thought and created for a public space, testifies of the innovative, creative energy of the artist, who is as open to the sciences as he is to the contemporary world of art. The materials declined here are : kevlar, carbone/kevlar, stainless steel, plaster, stone, and bronze.
Their aerodynamic form and their scale will offer an appropriate and meaningful link between the scale of the human body and the static monumentality of the architectural site.
Upcoming solo exhibitions of Anthony Cragg :
April 2003 : Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Malaga
May 2003 : Outdoor sculptures on the roof of the Staatliche Kunstalle Bonn (catalogue)
Full documentation about the above exhibitions is available at the gallery.
Galerie Chantal Crousel
40, rue Quincampoix, 75004
Bibliothèque Nationale de France