Albrecht Durer
Gerrit Dou
John Constable,
Claude Monet
Vilhelm Hammershoi
Edvard Munch
Giorgio de Chirico
Piet Mondrian,
Alexej Jawlensky,
Henri Matisse
Marcel Duchamp
Felix Vallotton
Max Ernst
Pierre Bonnard
Edouard Vuillard,
Paul Klee
Paul Delvaux,
Rene Magritte,
Pablo Picasso
Mark Rothko
Sean Scully
Marco Franciolli
Giovanni Iovane
Sylvie Wuhrmann
From the Renaissance to the Present. Durer, Monet, Magritte... The display will bring together more than 150 works from Swiss and European galleries, as well as from numerous prestigious private collections. Paintings, engravings, photography and video installations...
Curated by Marco Franciolli, Giovanni Iovane and Sylvie
The theme of the window has forever fascinated artists. With the exhibition Windows, from
the Renaissance to the Present. Dürer, Monet, Magritte..., the Fondation de l’Hermitage
offers a look at the motif of the window, retracing its significant role in Western
iconography from the 15th century to the current day. Organised in partnership with the
Museo Cantonale d’Arte and the Museo d’Arte of Lugano, the display will bring together
more than 150 works from Swiss and European galleries, as well as from numerous
prestigious private collections.
Although inherently linked to research on perspective, carried out during the Renaissance, the
window has constantly been reinterpreted throughout different historical periods and artistic
movements. Until the end of the 19th century artists used its frame to guide our eyes towards ideal
landscapes, realist panoramas, or, on the contrary, to allow light to filter indoors. Many artists
have subsequently integrated the window and its reflections in order to blur the limits between
interior and exterior.
With its origins as a simple decorative element, the window has gradually
become a subject in itself. The window’s opening, frame, light, and sometimes the windowpanes,
allow multidisciplinary artists to explore new territories, some of which have led to the discovery
of an abstract and minimalist art.
This thematic path spanning 500 years of art history includes major artists such as Dürer, Dou,
Constable, Monet, Hammershøi, Munch, Delaunay, de Chirico, Mondrian, Jawlensky, Matisse,
Duchamp, Vallotton, Ernst, Bonnard, Vuillard, Klee, Delvaux, Magritte, Picasso, Balthus, Rothko,
Scully among many others. Paintings, engravings, photography and video installations create a
full panorama of this compelling theme, which transcends various styles and historical periods.
Curatorship : Marco Franciolli, Director, Museo Cantonale d’Arte e Museo d’Arte, Lugano ;
Giovanni Iovane, Professor of Contemporary Art History, Accademia di Brera, Milano ; Sylvie
Wuhrmann, Director, Fondation de l’Hermitage, Lausanne
Catalogue : the catalogue features colour reproductions of all exhibited works and includes
numerous contributions (Victor Stoichita, Daniela Ferrari, Bruno Reichlin, Elio Grazioli, Alberto
Pezzotta, Angelica Jawlensky, Angelica Affentranger-Kirchrath, Brenda Danilowitz and Nicholas
Fox Weber).
Press contact: Emmanuelle Boss,
Fondation de l'Hermitage
Route du Signal 2, Lausanne
Hours: tues- sun 10-18, monday closed