The 2nd edition. The fair offers an original concept to the 50 national and international galleries invited. Each presents a selection of artists according to strict artistic criteria. They are located in the Village space. The Projects concept will immerse the viewer in the world of a specific artist.
The OFF-Art Fair 2013 will be building on its success in 2012, this time hosting 50 galleries... Not just Belgian galleries from both the French and Flemish communities, but galleries from countries across the globe, including Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Israel, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Italy, Spain, France and Germany, presenting works by artists from four continents. Art world professionals, collectors and art lovers will be able to discover a number of artists who have never exhibited in Belgium before.
Each gallery will present works by two to four artists, selected on the basis of rigorous artistic criteria. They will be located in the VILLAGE space. The PROJECTS concept will immerse the viewer in the world of a specific artist.
While the OFF-Art Fair 2013 will be bigger than last year, and galleries are being encouraged to present their best works, the organisers are keen to preserve what has made it such a success: it’s a fair that’s open to the public, where visitors, gallery staff and artists can come together in one place and connect with one another.
The Italianate avenues will provide the space necessary for this convivial atmosphere. The layout will make it easy for visitors to find their way around, and discover areas where they can read or meet up with friends at the restaurant or bar.
OFF-Art Fair opens up contemporary art to young people. The OFF-Team is composed of students from two final year classes at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels. Students, who are paid as volunteers, are actively involved in the organisation of the fair and can better understand how to organise a cultural event by following this course.
Partners and their guests will be able to get involved in selecting the winner of the OFF-Art Fair 2013 Prize from among the artists exhibited at the Fair. The prize winner will be invited to exhibit his or her new works at the 2014 OFF-Art Fair which will henceforth be held regularly on the Tour & Taxis site.
The OFF-Art Fair 2013 welcomes you in advance to a place where you can enjoy art in a convivial and relaxing atmosphere.
Press contact:
Giotto Agency 34-36 rue Saint-Bernard B-1060 Brussels T +32 (0)2 3332015
Private view : Thursday 18 April 2013 (invitation only)
Tour & Taxis (SHED 1& Bis: 5,348 m²)
avenue du Port 86c B-1000 Brussels
Openings hours:
19th & 20th: 2pm to 11pm
21st: 11am to 8pm
22nd: 10am to 3pm