Until it Makes Sense. Thought of as a number of episodes, this dynamic revolving project will generate a series of exhibitions. Each chapter will focus on a distinctive element of the artist's practice...
Curated by Tessa Giblin
Between 5 July and 17 August an exhibition of Mario García Torres's work titled Until It Makes Sense will unfold in the gallery of Project Arts Centre, Dublin.
Thought of as a number of episodes, this dynamic revolving project will generate a series of exhibitions. Each chapter will focus on a distinctive element of the artist's practice, repeating and recombining artworks made by Mario García Torres during the past ten years, staging the exhibition along a dramatic arc.
Beginning with an opening sequence which introduces the sincerity of the practice through gestural forms, the episodes move from a focus on the museum, through a grouping of works exploding the autonomy of the individual, to a quiet but meaningful finale—the artist as labourer towards meaning.
Mario García Torres is an artist firmly planted in the historical garden of conceptual art. His body of work is varied: consisting of both forensically researched artworks which root about in the evidence, myth and remains of conceptual art works, and of simple and sincere gestures that cultivate an equally complex experience of art through their suggestion, potentiality and perhaps even hope.
Underlying the entire exhibition and present throughout all four episodes is 2004's Until it Makes Sense which will be hand-animated in the gallery on daily basis, etching into the walls a repetitive, purposeful mantra. Many of the artworks in the exhibition will also embrace the question of self-transformation, by appearing (or re-appearing) in a new form developed specifically for this exhibition in Dublin. Until it Makes Sense is the title of one of Mario García Torres' earliest works and this whole, expanded exhibition. It is also a quiet answer to a nagging question.
Episode 1: 4–13 July
Episode 2: 15–27 July
Episode 3: 29 July–10 August
Episode 4: 12–17 August
Please join us on Thursday 4 July at 5pm, when artist Mario García Torres will introduce Until it Makes Sense in a walk-through of the exhibition with curator, Tessa Giblin.
Project Arts Centre is a multidisciplinary arts centre in the heart of Dublin, Ireland and is supported by the Arts Council and Dublin City Council.
Opening: Thursday 4 July 2013
Project Arts Centre
39 East Essex Street, Temple Bar
Dublin 2, Ireland
Hours: Monday–Saturday 11am–8pm
Admission free