Naturalizing Architecture. At the opening of the new headquarters, the show features projects by 40 architects, designers and artists through interactive environments, installations and pavilions, designed specifically for the exhibition.
From 14th September 2013, the Regional Fund for
Contemporary Art in the Centre region (FRAC Centre)
opens its doors in a new location perfectly in tune with its mis-
sions and vocation: the diffusion of contemporary art and
The dynamic development of the architectural extension con-
cept from architects Jakob + MacFarlane, gave the new venue
its name: The Turbulences.
The programme will be heralded by the 9th ArchiLab, interna-
tional architecture meeting and some thirty events associated
with Orléans and in the Centre region.
The FRAC Centre
A unique collection of architecture
The FRAC, a result of the cultural decentralisation in the 1980s,
of a specific agreement between the state and the regions, who
are celebrating their thirtieth anniversary this year, have become
a model for the diffusion of contemporary art and regional pres-
ence. A perpetually evolving model, as evidenced by the FRAC
A collection, a laboratory, a resource, and a centre for research,
as well as a site for experimentation, the Turbulences - FRAC
Centre will offer another experience of art and architecture.
Its unique collection brings together contemporary art and exper-
imental architecture from the 1950s to today. Internationally
renowned, to date it includes some 15,000 architectural draw-
ings, 800 models and 600 works by artists.
The FRAC Centre, funded by the Centre region and the Ministry
of Culture and Communication, is one of a ‘new generation’ of
FRAC institutions that have already proved themselves as centres
of cultural appeal. The objective is to engage dialogue between
disciplines at the heart of new equipment. Its programme will
join: museum collection functions and artistic experimentation,
mediation and cultural activities.
In this context, FRAC Centre is located at the former
Subsistances militaires site in Orléans. This architectural ren-
ovation was undertaken by the Centre region, the contract-
ing authority, in cooperation with the state - Ministry of Culture
and Communication - regional office of cultural affairs (DRAC),
Europe (under FEDER) and the City of Orléans.
Innovative and daring architecture
Architects Jakob + MacFarlane, managing the project, have
opted for a strong physical presence. The extension, christened
‘The Turbulences,’ because of its prefabricated tubular struc-
ture covered by an anodised aluminium casing, conceptualizes
dynamic architecture. Partly covered by an interactive ‘veil of
light,’ produced by the associate artists Electronic Shadow, the
Turbulences will be programmed in real time.
New Features
The FRAC Centre will have new features within its 3,000 m2: a
permanent gallery (370 m2) displaying the collection’s flagship
works; temporary exhibition rooms approximately 1000 m2 ; a
pedagogical workshop (180 m2); a documentation centre; a gar-
den designed by ruedurepos (400 m2).
The Turbulences (370 m2), a public reception area, comprises a
cafeteria, a bookshop and an auditorium. Furthermore the FRAC
Centre benefits from outsourced art work reserves (1,500 m2).
The FRAC Centre, a research laboratory for architecture, will
provide a valuable tool for developing a transdisciplinary cultural
programme centred on relationships between art, architecture
and design.
Inaugural Event
9th ArchiLab
14th September 2013 - 2nd February 2014
Akihisa Hirata Architecture Office, Bloomberg Pavilion, 2011
Photo ©Takumi Ota, Courtesy of Akihisa Hirata Architecture Office
Created in 1999, the prerogative of this internationally renow-
ned event is to be a true laboratory for architecture, presenting
the most advanced research in terms of architectural creation on
each occasion.
Curated by its founders, Marie-Ange Brayer, Director of FRAC
Centre and Frédéric Migayrou, Deputy Director of the Centre
Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, this new event ‘Naturaliser l’architec-
ture’ (Naturalizing Architecture) is devoted to the interac-
tion between digital architecture and the sciences, exploring the
challenges faced in simulating the living world.
Today, through recourse to the most advanced digital tools,
architects envisage projects which evolve according to principals
similar to those found in nature. In close proximity to science,
they develop a high level of proficiency in mathematics, which
enables them to artificially simulate formation and growth pro-
cesses unique to the kingdom of life.
The architecture is therefore designed like an organism in
constant adaptation, with the ability to evolve in close interac-
tion with the material conditions of its environment..
Broadly exceeding the boundaries of their practice, architects
now develop a practice at the crossroads of design, computer
science, engineering and biology. Conditions for production in
the domain of architecture are radically redefined by this conver-
gence, as well as by the constant evolution of the processes and
tools for digital manufacturing.
For the first time, these new design processes which integrate
the fields of robotics, nanotechnology, genetics and biotechno-
logy are presented through research of a new generation.
The 9th ArchiLab is an opportunity to discover projects by 40
architects, designers and artists through interactive environ-
ments, installations and pavilions, designed specifically for the
Marie-Ange Brayer, Frédéric Migayrou
Assistant curator
Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou
• [Ay]A Studio (Jorge Ayala)
• B+U
• Biothing (Alisa Andrasek)
• ecoLogicStudio
• Eragatory (Isaie Bloch)
• EZCT Architecture & Design
• Faulders Studio
(Thom Faulders)
• Gage / Clemenceau Architects
• Gramazio & Kohler /
Raffaello d’Andrea
• Michael Hansmeyer
(avec Benjamin Dillenburger)
• Akihisa Hirata architecture
• junya.ishigami+associates
• Kokkugia
• MAD Architects
• MarcosandMarjan
• MaterialEcology (Neri Oxman)
• Matsys (Andrew Kudless)
• Achim Menges
• Minimaforms
• Plasma Studio
• Ruy Klein
• Jenny Sabin
• servo
• soma
• SJET (Skylar Tibbits)
• Supermanoeuvre
• Wendy Teo
• Daniel Widrig
• X_TU Architects
• Xuberance (Steven Ma).
Designers and fashion designer
• Cmmnwlth. • Iris van Herpen • Joris Laarman Lab
• Federico Diaz • Perry Hall • Casey Reas • Marius Watz
The challenges of this exhibition will covered in two symposiums:
Architectures and Sciences: a new naturalness,
international symposium, Scène Nationale d’Orléans,
Thursday 24th October 2013, 9:30am-6pm
In partnership with the Maison de l’architecture du Centre and
the Réseau des maisons de l’architecture (Maison de l’architec-
ture network), the international symposium will bring together
architects displayed as part of ArchiLab.
The Nature of the Artefact, Domaine National de Chambord,
Friday 25th October 2013, 10am-6pm
An interdisciplinary symposium combining history of art, archi-
tecture and epistemology in the sciences from the Renaissance
to digital tools.
Free entry, by reservation only.
Open Doors/ European Heritage Days
Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September 2013
To celebrate its opening, the Turbulences - FRAC Centre invites
the public to participate in the open doors during the week-end
of the 14th and 15th September. Spanning these two days, visitors
will have free access to the building’s architecture as well as the
permanent gallery and the 9th ArchiLab. Guided tours will take
place every hour. Musical and festive events, special meetings
with the associate architects and artists will also take place over
these two days.
Publication May 2013.
Catalogues of the FRAC Centre collection:
• Architectures expérimentales 1950-2012
(2003 edition updated and increased), 640 pages,
éditions HYX.
• Art & Architecture, FRAC Centre collection
(new), 304 pages, éditions HYX.
Publication September 2013.
• The Turbulences - FRAC Centre,
Jakob + MacFarlane architects
Monograph, 120 pages, bilingual, éditions HYX.
• ArchiLab 2013 Catalogue, Naturalizing Architecture
under the direction of Marie-Ange Brayer and Frédéric Migayrou,
260 pages, bilingual, éditions HYX.
• Bernard Tschumi, Chronomanifestes 1950-2010
FRAC Centre collection, 128 pages, bilingual, éditions HYX.
Image: Akihisa Hirata, Bloomberg pavilion, 2011
© Takumi Ota Photography
Amélie Evrard
Tel.: + 33 (0)2 38 21 79 53 |
National and International Press
Heymann, Renoult Associées
Tel.: + 33 (0)1 44 61 76 76
Sarah Heymann, Raphaële Gruet, Eleonora Alzetta |
Regional Press
Kim Hamisultane
Tel.: + 33 (0)2 38 70 31 40 |
The Turbulences - FRAC Centre
88 rue du Colombier – 45000 Orléans
Entrance boulevard Rocheplatte
Practical Information
Opening Hours (from 14th September 2013
Wednesday – Sunday: 12pm-7pm.
Late opening until 8pm on the 1st Thursday of the month
Entry to permanent gallery & exhibitions
• Full price: €4
• Concessions: €2
• Annual pass: €10
Free entry 1st Sunday of the month.
Guided visit payable on reservation.
Bilingual French-English visioguides.
Opening programme available from June 2013.