Imperium Romanum. Photographic exhibition
Alfred Seiland, professor of photography at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Kunste (art academy) in Stuttgart, is among leading contemporary photographers. For many years he has been visiting sites associated with classical antiquity around the Mediterranean equipped with his analogue large-format camera. These places are ruin sites from the times of the Roman Empire and are located in Egypt, Libya, Israel, Italy. His photographs also show exhibits in various museums from Spain to Turkey. Often, these places are difficult to access or not open to the general public and are thus hidden from the view of most people. Seiland will exhibit a series of 90 large-scale colour prints at the Romisch-Germanisches Museum. His photos confront visitors with themes highlighting the conflict between ancient antiquity and the modern age. They provide a panorama of famous locations from the past with their architecture, sculpture and works of art. In his complex works Seiland distils moments of perfect composition and uses colour in a painterly fashion. Image: Kolosseum, Rom. Roma, Italia, 2010.