Bleecker's drawings of trees attempt to capture a moment of destabilization where hiding and revealing collide. Rock paints with pigmented silicon, piped onto deep three-dimensional supports using icing bags
Growth Co.
Opening reception: Saturday, November 15, 6-8pm
Hillary Bleecker's drawings of trees attempt to capture a moment of
destabilization where hiding and revealing collide, a place between 'here'
and 'there'.
Using colored pencils, color's logic is systematically deconstructed and
reassembled collapsing exterior upon interior, strength upon
vulnerability. A moment results where time resides in a state of constant
Her work was recently included in 'International Paper' at UCLA Hammer
Neal Rock paints with pigmented silicon, piped onto deep three-dimensional
supports using icing bags - the densely layered, glistening constructions
of paint which result are baroque in their decorative excess. Their
visceral surfaces enclose synthetic flowers and other appropriated objects
of commercial decortion; the silicon itself spreads across and away from
its support like an organic form. Neal Rock orchestrates our responses to
the work between fascination and gentle revulsion.
His work was included in 'Temporary Fiction' with David Burrows, Hew Locke
among others, and in November 2003 he's having his first solo show at fa
projects in London.
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, November 15, 2003, 6-8pm
DATES: November 15 - December 20, 2003
GALLERY HOURS: 12 - 6 pm, Tue - Sat
VENUE: Kontainer Gallery
6130 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Tel: 323 933 4746