Animated Drawings and Works on Paper by Eline McGeorge. Eline McGeorge's most recent works have mainly consisted of computer-animated drawings. Taking a single still drawing drawn on paper or on the computer as a starting point, short sequences are animated. In her new animations the final sequences are built up by layers of related animated hand drawings that are resembled and animated into collages of parallel sequences. The works are shown on flat-screens assembled and designed by the artist.
Animated Drawings and Works on Paper
November 18th 2003 until January 10th, 2004
Gallery N. von Bartha (136b Lancaster Road, London W11 1QU) is pleased to
announce the forthcoming exhibition entitled Unexpected Elsewhere  Animated
Drawings and Works on Paper by Norwegian born artist Eline McGeorge. The
exhibition opening will take place on Tuesday November 18th, 2003 from 6 to
9 PM. The artist will be present. The show is on view until January 10th
Eline McGeorge's most recent works have mainly consisted of
computer-animated drawings. Taking a single still drawing drawn on paper or
on the computer as a starting point, short sequences are animated. In her
new animations the final sequences are built up by layers of related
animated hand drawings that are resembled and animated into collages of
parallel sequences. The works are shown on flat-screens assembled and
designed by the artist.
The forthcoming exhibition at the gallery will contain three new animated
drawings as well as a series of new works on paper. The works on paper
document and map the development of the animations and reveal the process of
animating a single drawing.
Eline McGeorge studied at Art Academy in Bergen Norway and in 2000 graduated
with a Master of Fine Art from Goldsmith's College in London. Over the past
three years her work has been extensively exhibited in International Group
Shows including the 2001 Bloomberg New Contemporary Exhibition at the Camden
Art Centre as well as at P.S.1 in New York, the International Triennale of
Contemporary Art Yokohama, Galeria Thomas Cohn, São Paul and the 2002
Drawing Biennale at Gallery F15 in Norway.
The artist & the gallery would like to thank the following institutions for
their kind support:
Gallery N. von Bartha
Contemporary Art - London
First Floor
136b Lancaster Road
London W11 1QU
Tel. 020 7985 0015
Fax. 020 7985 0016