Kunsthalle Dusseldorf
Grabbeplatz 4
+49 0211 8996243 FAX +49 0211 8929168
Marijke van Warmerdam
dal 30/1/2014 al 15/3/2014

Segnalato da

Dirk Schewe


Marijke van Warmerdam

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Marijke van Warmerdam

Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf

Close by in the distance. Alongside her videos and films, the artist will also be exhibiting sculptures and film stills printed on canvas and partially painted with acrylics. The works of van Warmerdam explore simple things in a remarkable way.

comunicato stampa

Lea­ves and a fe­a­ther dancing in the wind, flowers in bloom, and a girl per­for­ming a hand­stand: the works of Ma­ri­jke van War­mer­dam ex­plo­re sim­ple things in a re­mar­ka­ble way.

Born in 1959, Van War­mer­dam li­ves and works in Ams­ter­dam and Karls­ru­he. She con­structs ima­ges and uses pho­to­gra­phic and filming tech­ni­ques in a way that opens up un­ex­pec­ted per­spec­tives and ac­cen­tua­tes the quiet be­au­ty of small things.

The ar­tist is best known for her short, lo­o­ped re­cor­dings. The Kunst­hal­le will be show­ing so­me of her well-known films such as Hand­stand (1992), Sky­ty­pers (1997), and Coup­le (2010) as pro­jec­tions. Along­side her vi­de­os and films, the ar­tist will al­so be ex­hi­bit­ing sculp­tu­res and film stills prin­ted on can­vas and par­ti­al­ly pain­ted wi­th acryl­ics.

Van War­mer­dam does not tell sto­ries in her work. In­s­tead, she re­li­es on the vi­su­al power of her mo­tifs: a fal­ling drop of milk that slow­ly dis­si­pa­tes in a glass of wa­ter in Dream Ma­chi­ne (2006), or the au­tumn lea­ves car­ried along by light gusts of wind through an ab­an­do­ned in­dus­tri­al land­scape in Wind (2010).

Com­bi­ning sound wi­th au­to­no­mous sculp­tu­re is a new ap­proach for the ar­tist. Un­til now, she has main­ly re­li­ed on the sym­bio­sis bet­ween sound and tit­le to pro­du­ce power­ful pic­tu­res. But the ar­chi­tec­tu­re of the spaces whe­re her works are pla­ced al­so ser­ve as in­spi­ra­ti­on – for ex­amp­le in “New balls, plea­se!”, a work spe­ci­al­ly crea­ted for this ex­hi­bi­ti­on, a zig­zag front and vi­b­ra­ting win­dows in­ter­act wi­th the hu­ge­ly ex­pan­si­ve win­dow fron­ta­ge in the Kunst­hal­le’s Sei­ten­licht­saal.

By fre­eing com­mon­place ob­jects from their ever­y­day con­text, Van War­mer­dam re­veals unusu­al ways of see­ing and ex­pe­ri­en­cing the world. The end­less­ly re­pea­ting lo­o­ped films ha­ve a hyp­no­tic ef­fect. Van War­mer­dam’s works evo­ke mul­ti­ple lay­ers of rea­li­ty and lead us to the bo­un­da­ry bet­ween dreams and the re­al world. Wi­th a ve­neer of light­ness, her works in­clu­de subt­le in­ter­ven­ti­ons li­ke tilts, twists, turns and re­flec­tions that pre­sent us wi­th new ways of see­ing. The­se of­ten mi­ni­mal chan­ges ul­ti­mate­ly en­cou­ra­ge us to mo­ve through the world a litt­le mo­re at­ten­tive­ly, wi­th our eyes a litt­le wi­der open.

The ex­hi­bi­ti­on and ca­ta­lo­gue ha­ve be­en pro­du­ced in co­ope­ra­ti­on wi­th Mu­se­um Boi­j­mans Van Beu­n­in­gen in Rot­ter­dam.

Image: Rrrolle – red, 2011. 35-mm-Filmschleife, digitalisiert, Farbe, 0’32” ca. 300 x 400 cm

Press and Communication, Education:
Dirk Schewe Tel.: +49 (0)211 8996256 Fax: +49 (0)211 8929576 presse@kunsthalle-duesseldorf.de

Opening of the exhibition on Friday 31st January, 2014 at 7 pm.

Kunsthalle Dusseldorf
Grabbeplatz 4 Dusseldorf
Tuesday – Sunday, public holidays: 11 am – 6 pm
The Stadtwerke Düsseldorf offer the opportunity to visit Kunsthalle and Kunstverein
free of charge between 6 and 8 pm on the last Thursday of every month.
Adults EUR 5,50
Concessions EUR 3,50
Groups (10 or more) EUR 3,50
Disabled free
Young persons under age 18 free

Cody Choi
dal 8/5/2015 al 1/8/2015

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