'The Nature Collector'. The show presents the relationship between humans and animals. Zhao's work also explores notions of boundaries, systems and control as human beings attempt to know and catalogue the natural world.
The relationship between humans and animals is a key touchstone of the work of Zhao Renhui (b. 1983, Singapore). Specifically, animal traps — camouflaged, violent, full of trickery — are the subject of this exhibition. His images of traps are open-ended, mysterious landscapes that invite contemplation; possibly ruses themselves. A splash of blue in jungle landscape is simply titled Bee Trap, and what appears to be a photograph of small red balls hanging in trees is called Apple Moth Trap.
Zhao’s work also explores notions of boundaries, systems and control as human beings attempt to know and catalogue the natural world. In He counts the stars and calls them all by name, a large photograph shows 4784 flies of the same family, meticulously arranged and labeled with information of their provenance. The Biblical reference alludes to complicated power relations between scientist and subject, human and animal, classifier and classified.
(Adeline Chia Hui Ting)
Image: Invitation
Opening: Jan-10, 2015, 16:00-18:00
Building 16
No.50 Moganshan Road
Putuo District