Museum der bildenden Kunste
Katharinenstr. 10
0341 216990 FAX 0341 21699999
Speck von Sternburg Collection
dal 18/2/2015 al 16/5/2015

Segnalato da

Jorg Dittmer

calendario eventi  :: 
Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


Speck von Sternburg Collection

Museum der bildenden Kunste, Leipzig

Marking the occasion of the 80th birthday of Wolf-Dietrich Baron Speck von Sternburg, the exhibition places a focus on the high quality drawings owned by the Foundation.

comunicato stampa

Baron Maximilian Speck von Sternburg (1776–1856), merchant and one of the founding patrons of the museum, was not merely a passionate collector of paintings by Old and New Masters, but also of drawings, prints and literature on this topic of art. It is thanks to his great-great grandson, Wolf-Dietrich Baron Speck von Sternburg, that his collection – 202 paintings, 127 drawings, 192 prints – has been permanently available to the city of Leipzig saince 1996 as the ‘Maximilian Speck von Sternburg Foundation’.

Marking the occasion of the 80th birthday of Wolf-Dietrich Baron Speck von Sternburg, the exhibition places a focus on the high quality drawings owned by the Foundation, and presents a selection of 40 sheets, most of which have never been publicly displayed before and hence remain to be researched. The time frame extends from the Renaissance to the Romantic periods. Drawings from the Rembrandt school and the German artist diaspora residing in Rome form the backbone. The exhibition gives a representative impression of just how impassioned Maximilian was as a collector, and provides impetus for more precise research into the stock of drawings owned by the Foundation.

Image: Lucas Cranach d. Ä., David und Bathseba, um 1537

Press Contact:
Jörg Dittmer, Head of Public Relations / Service
Tel.: (0341) 216 999 42, E-Mail:

Opening: Thursday 19th February 10:00 - 18:00

Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig
Katharinenstr. 10
04109 Leipzig

Opening Hours:
Tuesday and Thursday to Sunday 10 - 18
Wednesday 12 - 20
Monday Closed

Speck von Sternburg Collection
dal 18/2/2015 al 16/5/2015

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