Ludwig Museum
06831 128 540
Wolfgang Hahn Prize 2015
dal 13/4/2015 al 29/8/2015

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Mu­se­um Lud­wig

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Wolfgang Hahn Prize 2015

Ludwig Museum, koln

The exhibition features the works of Michael Krebber and R.H. Quaytman which are acquired for the benefit of the collection of the Museum.

comunicato stampa

In 2015 the Ge­sellschaft für Mod­erne Kunst am Mu­se­um Lud­wig e.V. is award­ing the Wolf­gang Hahn Prize to two artists: Michael Kreb­ber and R. H. Quayt­man. In con­junc­tion with the award cer­e­mony, a joint ex­hi­bi­tion will be pre­sent­ed at the Mu­se­um Lud­wig, fo­cus­ing on the sub­ject of the im­pos­si­bil­i­ty of paint­ing. The ex­hi­bi­tion will fea­ture the works by Michael Kreb­ber and R. H. Quayt­man that the Ge­sellschaft für Mod­erne Kunst has ac­quired for the ben­e­fit of the col­lec­tion of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig, along with a se­lec­tion of ad­di­tio­n­al works by the two artists. The show has been con­ceived by Michael Kreb­ber in co­op­er­a­tion with R. H. Quayt­man.

Yil­maz Dziewior, who as desig­nat­ed di­rec­tor of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig col­lab­o­rat­ed with the ju­ry, ex­plains: “With Michael Kreb­ber and R. H. Quayt­man we are hon­or­ing two out­s­tand­ing artis­tic per­so­n­al­i­ties. Their joint ex­hi­bi­tion fo­cus­es on a top­ic—the im­pos­si­bil­i­ty of paint­ing—that, for all its time­less rel­e­vance, has gained in­creased at­ten­tion pre­cise­ly in re­cent years. Both artists have long ex­plored the premis­es, chal­lenges, and pos­si­bil­i­ties of paint­ing to­day and have made inim­itable con­tri­bu­tions to this dis­course.”

Guest Ju­ror Daniel Birn­baum, di­rec­tor of the Mod­er­na Museet in Stock­holm, com­ments: “The dis­cus­sions within the ju­ry were quite in­tense, cen­tered on cur­rent is­sues re­gard­ing paint­ing to­day. Quayt­man and Kreb­ber, in­de­pen­dent­ly from one another, have each pro­duced an autono­mous oeu­vre over many years that, how­ev­er, is al­so quite defini­tive for the fu­ture of paint­ing and serves younger gen­er­a­tions as a point of ref­er­ence. The ju­ry’s de­ci­sion is very promis­ing—Tho­mas Bern­hard’s the­ater piece Ein­fach kom­pl­iziert (Sim­p­ly Com­pli­cat­ed) comes to mind.”

On the date of the award cer­e­mony, at 5 p.m., a round table dis­cus­sion with Michael Kreb­ber; R. H. Quayt­man; Daniel Birn­baum, di­rec­tor of the Mod­er­na Museet in Stock­holm and the guest ju­ror for this year’s Hahn Prize; Yil­maz Dziewior, di­rec­tor of the Mu­se­um Lud­wig; and Ju­dith Stake­meis­ter will be held in the Mu­se­um Lud­wig au­di­to­ri­um.
This dia­logue will serve as the ba­sis for the publi­ca­tion ac­com­pany­ing this year’s Wolf­gang Hahn Prize.

The en­trance to the talk is free, please mind that the au­di­tio­r­i­um can seat a max­i­mum of 250 guests.

Image: Michael Krebber

Opening and Award Cer­e­mony: April 14, 2015, 7 p.m.

Museum Ludwig
Tues­day to Sun­day (in­cl. holi­days): 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Ev­ery first Thurs­day of the month: 10:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.
Closed Mon­days
The mu­se­um is open reg­u­lar­ly dur­ing the East­er holi­days, April 4 through April 6, 2014.
From March 14-Ju­­ly 5, 2015
(dur­ing the ex­hi­bi­­tion Al­i­bis: Sig­­mar Polke. Ret­ro­spec­­tive):
Adults: €14
Dis­­­­­coun­t­ed tick­­­et*: €9.00
Fam­i­lies: €28.00

Wolfgang Hahn Prize 2015
dal 13/4/2015 al 29/8/2015

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