Sparwasser HQ
Torstrasse 161
+49 3021803001 FAX +49 3044047981
Two interdisciplinary projects
dal 30/7/2004 al 28/8/2004
+49 30 21803001 FAX +49 30 44047981
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Sparwasser HQ

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Gennaio 2025


Two interdisciplinary projects

Sparwasser HQ, Berlin

The power & illumination project and Swop Network: Annika Lundgren, Andrea Creuz, Lise Skou.

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Annika Lundgren, Andrea Creuz, Lise Skou

THE POWER & ILLUMINATION PROJECT and SWOP NETWORK are both interdisciplinary projects,investigating ideas of economics, politics and environmental research. The visitors are encouraged to participate in the respective processes in different ways.

THE POWER & ILLUMINATION PROJECT - a project by Annika Lundgren

THE POWER & ILLUMINATION PROJECT, PRESENTATION 1 - BERLIN is the first presentation of a project under development. The project aims to take advantage of the kinetic energy being generated at fitness-centers, converting it into electrical energy.

THE POWER & ILLUMINATION PROJECT does not operate with an economy based on financial profit, but with a target oriented gathering and distribution of resources that would otherwise have gone to waste. An important aspect of the project is the relationship between the power-source and the power consumption. The current extracted from the fitness-centers will be used for lighting up different elements in a street-level campaign, designed to increase social and political awareness. From this perspective, THE POWER & ILLUMINATION PROJECT can also be seen as a way of converting physical power into the "power of knowledge".

The model presented in Berlin has been adapted to the state of California, as circumstances here provide an optimal basis for putting theory into practice. The fundamental idea, however, is applicable on most industrialized societies today, large or small. Consequently, California could just as well be replaced with Sweden, Shanghai, Great Britain, or Australia. Or Berlin.


SWOP NETWORK - initiated by Andrea Creutz and Lise Skou
is a platform for the production and dissemination of material and ideas surrounding contemporary political, economic and social debate. The project investigates the potential for local economic systems to impact global economy and advocate for the egalitarian distribution of resources.

The interviews in the sound archive are made with people involved in local alternatives to the dominant monetary economy. The project is structured as a relay. It started out with two interviews. At the end of every interview the interviewee is asked to introduce two new persons to be interviewed next. In addition, they are asked to exchange two of the ten initial questions. The structure in itself aim to illustrate resistance to profitable systems, in the sense that it supports network building, is anti-hierarchical, equally distributed as well as without copyright. Extracts of the interviews are also to be found at

The project is based on the implications of the term ecological backpack coined by the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. The "ecological backpack", also called hidden flow, signifies the raw material, fuel and transport services that has been used when the material /product was produced, but is not to be found in the final product.

At Sparwasser HQ Creutz and Skou will arrange a THE HIDDEN FLOW SHOP constructed by crates for transportation of commodities around the world.

Visitors are requested to bring commodities to the shop to be exchanged for Hidden Flow Currency which is viable in the shop. This currency, introduced by the artists, is based on the notion of ecological backpack. E.g. if you hand in a T-shirt you will receive a 225 Hidden Flow bill equivalent to the total amount of raw material, water and air that has gone through the system when the cotton T-shirt was produced.

The name of the currency emphasizes the irony within the term hidden flow, as the process is probably not perceived as very hidden for the people living in the areas from where most of the materials are extracted.

Sources of information: Jakob Jespersen, NOAH; Wuppertal Institute.

Opening: July 31. from 7pm to 11 pm

August 4. - 28.

Sparwasser HQ
Torstrasse 161, D - 10115

The Escape Route's Design
dal 11/6/2008 al 13/6/2008

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