New York
168 North 6th Street (Williamsburg, Brooklyn)
718 4867021
Visions of the Figure
dal 5/1/2006 al 5/2/2006
Fri-Sat-Sun, h -6 pm

Segnalato da

Randall Harris

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Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


Visions of the Figure

Figureworks, New York

Fred Hatt takes his studies and develops them into exceedingly large format compositions of entangled masses. Using Aquarelle crayons on colored paper, the results are vibrant and mesmerizing. Elliott Lloyd uses his ink, watercolor and colored pencil drawings as a base for developing organic forms and figures in beaded wax sculpture. Karen Miles uses her graphite drawings for exploring fluid lines, forms and patterns in video while K. Saito uses his magic-marker drawings directly for short, animated films.

comunicato stampa

Fred Hatt, Karen Miles, Elliott Lloyd, K. Saito

Regularly working from the human form is vital for most figure-based artists. This exhibition focuses on four successful artists that rely on their weekly life drawing studies for making their developed studio work. On display are their life drawings, executed in the weekly Saturday morning workshops hosted by Figureworks, coupled with the work these artists are noted for.

Fred Hatt takes his studies and develops them into exceedingly large format compositions of entangled masses. Using Aquarelle crayons on colored paper, the results are vibrant and mesmerizing. Elliott Lloyd uses his ink, watercolor and colored pencil drawings as a base for developing organic forms and figures in beaded wax sculpture. Karen Miles uses her graphite drawings for exploring fluid lines, forms and patterns in video while K. Saito uses his magic-marker drawings directly for short, animated films.

Though this may initially appear a diverse, conceptualized show, united parallels in these various mediums are clearly visible though out. These four artists have been drawing weekly together for five years. Though they infrequently share ideas, directions or even show each other their drawings, clear threads unite their work.

Foremost, they all have shared the same models over time so familiar faces and poses are present in each other’s work. Inherently, human shapes dictate composition and form, so organic, circular forms typically appear. But more astounding is the subtle influences that are seen in the form of movement, energy, and shared presence. For example, Mile’s video of sea life moving throughout an aquarium compliments Hatt’s fluid line-work, then these creatures and multi- color drawings easily move into Lloyd’s vibrant sculpture and his whimsical drawings relate to Saito’s bold marker studies. The ties continue due to this human model base yet remains a striking testament to the independent development in like-minded artists.

Opening: January 6 th, 6-9 pm

168 North 6th Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn - New York
Hours: Friday, Saturday, Sunday 1 - 6 pm or by appointment

Promethean Images
dal 9/4/2009 al 2/5/2009

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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