Videos artworks and stills. Both artists are fascinated by the architecture of the inner life, marked by fluidity, transparence and fuzzy. The architecture of thoughts. The architecture of meanings. The architecture of the Lost Paradise identity.
Luca Curci and Fabiana Roscioli are fascinated by the architecture of the inner
life, marked by fluidity, transparence and fuzzy. The architecture of thoughts. The
architecture of meanings. The architecture of the Lost Paradise identity. They
reminds us that the frontiers between artistic and non-artistic mediums are no
longer available. Their art became inseparable of technology and information,
philosophy/psychology and literature. Their art is influenced by the key words of
post-literature, Leonardo's canon: image, figure and concept. Luca Curci and Fabiana
Roscioli explore, in this universe of mutation, the interrelations between exterior
Nature and interior Self (THE TIME INSIDE), the psycho-physical links between human
body and space-time foam of identity. THE TIME INSIDE of post-literature seems to be
closed to the apocaliptic vision of time expressed by the most compelling
post-literary writer of our times, Madison Morrison: '(...) time goes forwards and
backwards simultaneously. In other words, we live in the future and the past, as
well as the present'.
The architect Luca Curci and the artist Fabiana Roscioli look for the magical
assembling knot between the physical and the virtual space, the transarchitecture.
The architecture of the hyperlinked cyberspace. The liquid architecture. In their
opinion contemporary art is living the post-organic universe. To avoid the
dissolution of ego in such an instable world, full of temporary tele-existences,
they looks for an equilibrium between mind and body, subject and object, body and
spiritual life, for a continuity between Nature and Self.
As all the major artists/thinkers of post-literary times, Luca Curci and Fabiana
Roscioli are focused on an onthology of multiplicity and a metaphysics of event. THE
TIME INSIDE and communication are key sources for our identity and spiritual life.
THE TIME INSIDE is the assembling node where we can meet the Other/the God. Einstein
was convinced that even God is time beyond the temporal objects. All his life, R. M.
Rilke had the obsession to transform the exterior world into a sweet, inner space,
THE TIME INSIDE is a liquid structure, like the videos of Luca Curci and Fabiana
Roscioli. They use the body language of some female characters, Oriental or
European, to tell us the strange story of the actual human fractal identity. THE
TIME INSIDE is a sum of tragic histories on our destiny, on the paradoxal lack of
communication in an overwhelming and oversaturated communication universe. The
former vivid words (THE WORDS INSIDE: LOGOS) are now dead and dried branches (wooden
snakes) of a Lost Paradise tree, which try in vain to interfer with the
body/spiritual language of the female characters. They are deprived of the links
with THE TIME INSIDE, the living time, the sweet Bergsonian duration.
(Constantin Severin)
Luca Curci was born in Bari on December 8, 1975. Architect, videomaker, artist.
Deeply rooted in the culture of his region, Curci developed a great ability to
express things along with a lively curiosity. After obtaining his Secondary School
license, he entered into the department of architecture in Bari; at the same time
Curci deepened his acquaintance in the many branches of human knowledge: art,
philosophy, literature, science. His natural curiosity brought him to confront
himself with new technology. Curci applied to the field of his greatest interest,
art in all its forms and expressions.
Time Inside << noeud d'assemblage magique >> entre le physique et l'espace virtuel
hyper lie'.
Une oeuvre comple'te de Luca CURCI et Fabiana ROSCIOLI que la galerie Mamia bretesche'
est fie're de pre'senter. Une oeuvre qui va des dessins pre'paratoires a' la vide'o en
passant par la musique, la photographie et le discours. Dans cette oeuvre de
plusieurs anne'es de travail, l'architecture, le design, l'esthe'tique, les sciences
sociales et la litte'rature tiennent une grande place.
L'architecte Luca Curci et l'artiste Fabiana Roscioli cherchent le << noeud
d'assemblage magique >> entre le physique et l'espace virtuel, la trans-architecture.
L'architecture de l'espace virtuel hyper lie'. <<TIME INSIDE>> est inse'parable de la
technologie de l'information, de la philosophie/psychologie et de la litte'rature.
Luca Curci et Fabiana Roscioli explorent, dans cet univers de mutation, les
relations entre la Nature (l'exte'rieur) et le Moi (l'inte'rieur). Ils cherchent un
e'quilibre entre l'esprit et le corps, le sujet et l'objet, le corps et la vie
spirituelle, pour e'viter la dissolution de l'ego dans un monde si instable, si
Le temps va en avant et en arrie're simultane'ment. Autrement dit, nous vivons dans
l'avenir et le passe', aussi bien que dans le pre'sent, c'est le temps de l'inte'rieur
<<Time Inside>> selon l'auteur post-litte'raire, Madison Morrison.
Comme tous les artistes/penseurs principaux de la pe'riode post-litte'raire, Luca
Curci et Fabiana Roscioli sont concentre's sur une ontologie de multiplicite' et une
me'taphysique de le've'nement.
TIME INSIDE est une architecture fluide, comme les vide'os de Luca Curci et Fabiana
Les deux artistes utilisent le langage du corps en l'occurrence des corps fe'minins,
orientaux ou europe'ens, pour nous dire l'e'trange histoire de l'identite' fractale
humaine. TIME INSIDE est une somme d'histoires tragiques sur notre destin, sur le
manque paradoxal de communication dans un univers sature' d'informations.
(Constantin Severin)
Architecte, vide'aste, artiste, Luca Curci est aussi commissaire d'exposition et
critique d'art. Tre's ancre' dans la culture de sa re'gion, Bari en Italie, il
de'veloppe ainsi une grande capacite' a' exprimer les ide'es avec une vive curiosite' et
une grande acuite'. Paralle'lement a' des e'tudes au de'partement d'architecture de Bari
en Italie, il poursuit une formation en Philosophie, en litte'rature et en sciences
sociales. A toutes ses formes ide'ales et ces concepts, il applique ce qui lui tient
plus au coeur : L'ART, comme un souffle qui parcourt tout ce qu'il touche, pre'texte
formel pour une analyse introspective qui tend vers la de'couverte des aspects
multiples du psychisme humain. Sa curiosite' naturelle et son gout pour la recherche
le confrontent aux nouvelles technologies qu'il exploite avec philosophie.
LUCA CURCI et Fabiana ROSCIOLI vivent et travaillent en Italie
VIDEO BASED-ART Vide'os & Photographies
Projection en boucle de 4 vide'os de luca Curci et Fabiana ROSCIOLI, 4 photographies
de 100x50cm et 10 photographies de 40x30cm, digital prints seront expose'es a' la
Inaugurazione: 6th April at 7pm with the artists
Galerie Mamia Bretesche'
48, rue Chapon - Paris
Tue-Sat 2:30pm - 6:30pm