Commerce Street Artists Warehouse
2315 Commerce Street
832 7249464
Summer Sucks III: Fast and Hot
dal 28/7/2006 al 19/8/2006

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Commerce Street Artists Warehouse

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Summer Sucks III: Fast and Hot

Commerce Street Artists Warehouse, Houston

The exhibition will present four installations by Elaine Bradford, David Chien, David Ubias with street artist YAR in the main gallery. Summer Sucks also features Sasha Dela, Rodney Elliot, Nick Meriwether, Jenny Schlief, Dance of Asian America, The Turkeys, and The ZomZoms.

comunicato stampa

Daniel Adame, Elaine Bradford, David Chien, Sasha Dela,Nick Meriwether, Atton Paul, Jenny Schlief, Derek Shumate, Frances Trotter, David Ubias, YAR, The ZomZoms

Summer Sucks is the third installment of a hellacious celebration of the summers in Houston through reckless abandon and contemporary art. Not much is more evocative than the mention of a Texas summer. “If I owned Hell and Texas I would rent out Texas and live in Hell." was spoken by a Northerner, and not without aggravation. Not many can adjust to the searing heat and soaking humidity, never mind slow down, learn to deal with it, and thrive.

The exhibition will present four installations by Elaine Bradford, David Chien, David Ubias in collaboration with Frances Trotter, and Derek Shumate with street artist YAR in the main gallery. Summer Sucks also features Sasha Dela, Rodney Elliot, Nick Meriwether, Jenny Schlief, Dance of Asian America, The Turkeys, and The ZomZoms.

Elaine Bradford is determined to make this summer hotter than two rats in a wool sock- her innovative knit and crochet work covering environmental spaces, trees, and animal heads comforts and softens usually; but even their sight in one hundred degree weather can cause heat stroke. Elaine’s work in last year’s “Big Show" at the Lawndale really stole attention from lackluster award winners with it’s bold lyricism and surreality. Self-effacing melting popsicles and soggy sugary snacks sliding off spray painted doors prelude the collaboration of David Ubias and Frances Trotter; these two artists working together for the first time are modest in person, ostentatious in artwork. Derek Shumate is an enigma of an artist-devoting much of his time to design and working behind the scenes with the collective Lollipauperz; here he is a catalyst for street artist YAR, known citywide as a street representative of the changing face of graffiti today, bridging the gap between gallery and felonious act. David Chien rounds out the main gallery with his monstrous 2D work. Coming off a well-received exhibit of large installation at Art League Houston- Chien even designed a video game!

Look forward to performances by The ZomZoms- out of Austin and into the hot seat, ruckus-starters The Turkeys featuring members of Satin Hooks and artist Will Boone, and bar-brawler Rodney Elliot on guitar. Jenny Schlief will be there, tongue firmly in cheek, with one of her hilarious sickly-sweet social works. Sasha Dela takes on film in a new work modeling the hellish humid solitude of a summer drive in the East Texas countryside; the land that spawned Bottle Rocket, Urban Cowboy, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Dance of Asian America will perform two dances early in the evening highlighting beautiful costumes and contemporary Chinese-American dance. Brought to you by DAA executive director Janie Yao, recently featured in Yellow Magazine.

Help Commerce Street this summer with your purchase of a limited edition collection of great serial work by CSAW residents and their artist friends. Gift baskets feature work donated by the ever-generous Teresa O’Connor, Vicki Fowler, I Love You, Baby, Nick Meriwether, Sean Carroll, Daniel Garson, Brittany Bly, Daniel Adame, Lollipauperz, Rodney Elliot, Andrea Chin, Hancock Brothers, Laura Lark, Matt Lucas (NY), Miguel Cortez (CHI), Edra Soto (CHI), FAILURE, Berit Bihl, Frances Trotter, Lisa Godfrey, Varina Rush, Mary Curry, and Gael Stewart. Available July 29th, please contact Frances Trotter at 713-498-2576 for more information.

CSAW has been at the fore of emerging art in Houston for over 12 years. Look for us this fall with Barna Kantor and visiting artist Douglas Baulos, and as a cornerstone of this year’s 14th annual Artcrawl. Located across the tracks on the south side of downtown a stone’s throw from the Astros’ stadium. CSAW has always displayed the finest in emerging and experimental art. Summer Sucks is curated by Buffalo Sean and will hopefully be carried kicking and screaming into the future by someone else.

Opening Saturday, July 29th 7:30- 11pm

Commerce Street Artists Warehouse
2315 Commerce Street - Houston

Summer Sucks III: Fast and Hot
dal 28/7/2006 al 19/8/2006

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