"Nine Artists," a group show, featuring nine emerging artists who are earning Masters of Fine Arts degrees at Pratt Institute. Disciplines featured include painting, drawing, sculpture, new forms, photography, and printmaking.
Nine Artists
The Pratt Artists League and McCaig-Welles Gallery present "Nine Artists," a group show, featuring nine emerging artists who are earning Masters of Fine Arts degrees at Pratt Institute. Disciplines featured include painting, drawing, sculpture, new forms, photography, and printmaking.
"Nine Artists" is part of a series of group shows that take place outside of Pratt's Brooklyn campus. The purpose of these outside exhibitions is to introduce emerging talent to a wider audience through shows and regular presentations.
About Pratt Artists League
The Pratt Artists League serves as a liaison between the administration, faculty and student body of Pratt Institute. It provides opportunities for students to establish and further their career in the NY art world through such events as open studios, on-campus and off-campus shows. In addition, its website contains featured student work and profiles, valuable links, faculty-chosen notable exhibition lists, and a calendar of events. It also works with other Pratt fine art activities such as the Visiting Artist Series.
A reception will be held at the gallery on Thursday, February 2, 2007 from 6-8 pm
McCaig-Welles Gallery
129 Roebling Street, Brooklyn - New York