Tacit Dimension. In acrylic paintings and paper collages the artist explores the unsaid and unsayable abstractions that link language, physics, and music. All human communication is essentially metaphor for that larger dimension of unsayable, tacit knowledge.
Tacit Dimension
In acrylic paintings and paper collages, O'Connor explores the unsaid and unsayable abstractions that link language, physics, and music. Underlying our explicit knowledge is a dimension of tacit knowledge, which is fundamental to all of our meaning-making processes. Our deepest capabilities for discovery, synthesis and innovation, reside in the pre-logical, pre-linguistic Tacit Dimension. All human communication is essentially metaphor for that larger dimension of unsayable, tacit knowledge.
"I interrogate my experience of unfolding creativity, including the surprising intuitive apprehensions, the empty/full spaces, and the ruptures," says O'Connor. "I am interested in forms that suggest the emergent and indeterminate, and I want to honor the profound mystery of what we do not know and will never be able to record or analyze. I am intrigued by the play of negative space, and by the complexity of what may appear to be a flat or simple field. How do we find a way to experience dark energy or the multiple universes now postulated by physicists, when we are working in two or three dimensions? For me this is not about layering the picture plane, or creating the illusion of depth; it is about evoking the sublime. And by `sublime' I mean our pre-conscious knowledge of our place in the universe."
Image from Amos Eno Gallery.
Opening: Friday, March 9, 5:30PM - 8:30PM
Amos Eno Gallery
59 Franklin Street - New York
Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11 AM - 6 PM