The War Series: The Oil Drum Project. The show consists of two-dimensional large collages using printmaking, charcoal, acrylic and other media. These collages are made using fragments, bits and pieces of recycled paper images.
Oil Drum Project
This is a new body of work that I began two years ago and which I developed into "The War Series."
The artist Jack Lardis originated the Oil Drum Project, which now exists both locally and nationally. His invitation to use an oil drum to express my ideas was crucial in the current design of "The War Series."
A critical vision is an important part of my artwork. I am deeply affected by the violent, destructive, injustice of war, and it is my conviction that war is a crime against humanity. It is out of that belief that "The War Series" was conceived and created.
"The War Series" consists of two-dimensional large collages using printmaking, charcoal, acrylic and other media. These collages are made using fragments, bits and pieces of recycled paper images (my own prints) that were transformed, organized, put together and glued to form a single piece of art. One of the collages is an installation that can be hung in different configurations and is 13 feet across. The oil drum project and the hanging sculptures were integrated into "The War Series."
Opening april 5, 2007
Galerie Mamia Bretesche'
48, rue Chapon - Paris
Free admission