Mindscapes. In mostra due video installazioni con sound desing: un progetto sull'immaginario metropolitano dell'area est di Napoli e una serie di immagini di un campo di grano rosso-glowing pink.
------english below
due video installazioni di Bianco-Valente insieme al sound designer Mass vengono presentate da offiCina nel proprio art project space all’interno della trendy fabbrica 798 a dashanzi a beijing.
concepito come un progetto sull’immaginario metropolitano dell’area est di napoli dove raffinerie e produzioni industriali hanno lasciato il posto ad ambienti squallidi e di prostituzione, colori cangianti del rosso e del marrone cercano di attenuare/vivificare un’atmosfera di desolazione. Area incontra la zona orientale della capitale cinese -dove prospera il 798- donando emozioni, scambiando interrogativi. L’altro video, Uneuclidean Pattern mostra immagini struggenti di un campo di grano in rosso-glowing pink che rimandano all’illusoria sensazione d’immortalità dell’uomo in contrasto a quella ciclica della Natura.
in occasione dell’anno dell’italia in cina, l’anno scorso offiCina aveva gia’ organizzato due eventi con la partecipazione di bianco-valente / mass: alla China Academy of Fine Arts di pechino e poi al Guangdong Museum of Art di canton S.O.S. (Self Organizing Structures) all’interno della retrospettiva Elettroshock – Il video in Italia dagli anni ’70 ad oggi (1973-2006), co-curata con bruno di marino; al 798 space, inoltre, all’interno della collettiva napoletana Vesuvius, curata da gigiotto del vecchio, con Cloud System.
Neuro-visions: Bianco-Valente videos, by Bruno Di Marino
The electronic image constitutes in Bianco-Valente videos a kind of cerebral extension, the possibility of a bodily dematerialization. Suggestive and fascinating, sometimes relaxing, more often alienating, psychedelic and obsessive, the mnemonic images produced by this two artists flow like magma, boil similar to unstoppable lava that overwhelms the last bodily and figurative debris. Intermittences of the heart, of the mind and of the vision, their images speak to our present, past and future senses.
The minimalism of their ‘electrovisions’, often monochrome, takes us to level zero of sensorial perception. The way in which Bianco-Valente use technology is never baroque or redundant but always carefully controlled. The content is in restraining, without useless dispersions of visual energy and meaning. This philosophy of the essential is opposed to the spreading aesthetics of the so-called post-organic, still too close to the concept of body as machine and to the performance as a carnival and ‘neo-primitive’ ritual.
By seeing their works, we get the impression to discover for the first time the kinetic-abstract images 80 years later the experiments of the vanguard cinema. But theirs is never an ingenuous technological classicism, never really “poor”. Even though Bianco-Valente deal with the low resolution of the basic visual process, they create images formally perfect.They extrapolate from the electronic image its evanescence, its dynamism, its virtual, metamorphic and above all its neurotic nature.
Video is a thoroughly mental process. To get free from the concept of body as substance means to regenerate it. It does not mean using technological medium to load even more our ‘flesh machine’, but reducing body to pure thinking or seeing through images that have the same essence of dreams. In the end, thought is the only possible reality (aesthetically too).
Officina / Factory 798
no. 2 jiuxianqiao rd, Chaoyang district - Beijing