Reality in photographic depiction
Both artists question in their new work the content of reality in
photographic depiction. Maybe contrary to expectations it does not
happen by means of digitalized processing or a specific technical
method. It is the way how items and people are depicted that raises
fundamental questions and refers to the second topic of this
exhibition: the meaning of human presence and absence.
In his portraits Göran Gnaudschun traces the moment when inside and
outside are in unison, when tension and relaxation, control and
surrender equilibrate. This moment is ephemeral and photography with
its immanent possibilities to fictionalize, redesign and reinterpret
remains as the only memory of it. The people depicted in Gnaudschuns'
portraits become in their extreme presence replacement characters of
emotions and the images turn into symbols of hidden meanings.
In his work Dirk Scheidt compiles model-like classical furniture like
tables, chairs and indoor plants. As if on a stage, pieces of furniture
sometimes gather - reminiscent to insects attracted by light - around a
light bulb; and sometimes they seem to be left behind, figuring
remainders of a conflict. The depictions could be thus understood as
pseudo-documentary single images, but remind simultaneously of the
single frames of a motion study or a filmic course of events. The
evident lack of human personal stands in contrast with the sensible
impression of personal interaction in the images.
The works can bee seen *until June 23rd* and I would be happy to
welcome you and your friends at the gallery for the opening or in the
course of the exhibition.
Dirk Scheidt
Image: Dirk Scheidt
Opening: in AMERIKA on Friday, May 18th, 2007 at 6 p.m
Brunnenstrasse 7 10119 Berlin Germany
Opening Times Tue.– Sat. 11a.m. – 6p.m.