"Some Things Happen More Often Than All of the Time" e' il titolo della mostra, a cura di Priamo Lozada e Barbara Perea, con cui il Messico partecipa per la prima volta alla Biennale di Venezia. Consiste in 6 grandi installazioni interattive che combinano architettura e performance nei 1000mq del palazzo cinquecentesco. L'artista lo definisce un "anti-monuments for alien agency" in cui l'apporto delle tecnologie e della partecipazione dei visitatori e' fondamentale.
Some Things Happen More Often Than All of the Time
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer represents Mexico at the 52nd Biennale di Venezia with the exhibition “Some Things Happen More Often Than All of the Time”, curated by Príamo Lozada and Bárbara Perea, a show which will mark Mexico’s first official participation in the Biennale. The exhibition will consist of 6 large-scale installations covering 1,000 square metres of the Palazzo Van Axel, a 15th-century gothic landmark bordering the Chiesa Santa Maria dei Miracoli, in the vicinity of the Rialto bridge.
Lozano-Hemmer (Mexico City, 1967) develops large-scale interactive installations combining the languages of architecture and performance art. His work uses technologies such as robotics, surveillance and telematic networks to create platforms for audience participation, creating "anti-monuments for alien agency". His large-scale light and shadow installations are inspired by animatronics, carnivals and phantasmagoria, situating the spectator as a fundamental component to “complete” the work.
“His work succeeds in giving the unchoreographed the power of a full orchestra. Go look him up, go be part of his next project!”
-- CK Kuebel, NY Arts Magazine
Lozano-Hemmer’s work in kinetic sculpture, installation, video and photography has been shown in over thirty countries, including the Biennials of Sydney (Australia), Shanghai (China), Liverpool (United Kingdom), Istanbul (Turkey) and Havana (Cuba). His work is part of important private and public art collections such as those of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, La Colección Jumex in Mexico City, Fundación Cisneros Fontanals in Miami, the Daros Latin America Collection in Zürich and the Tate Collection in London.
The official participation of Mexico in Venice is the result of joint efforts by Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Consejo de Promoción Turística and the generous support of the Fundación/Colección Jumex and the Fundación BBVA Bancomer. The non-profit Patronato de Arte Contemporáneo, which has also contributed funding and resources, is in charge of the administration of the project. The receptions, starring DJ sets by Sonido Changorama, will feature sponsored drinks by Jumex, Tequila Cuervo and Cerveza Sol.
A bilingual catalogue will be published by Turner Libros, featuring essays by Manuel de Landa, José Luis Barrios, Barbara London, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Victor Stoichita and curators Príamo Lozada and Bárbara Perea.
Coinciding with the 52nd Biennale di Venezia, Lozano-Hemmer’s work will also be exhibited at Art Basel Unlimited, at the Luminato Festival in Toronto and in the exhibition “Automatic Update” at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Image: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer "Almacén de corazonadas" 2006. Focos incandescentes, controladores de corriente, sensor de ritmo cardíaco, computadora, escultura de metal. Dimensión variable. Cortesía Puebla 2031, México, © del artista.
Opening June 7-8-9 2007 h 8-10 p. m.
Palazzo Van Axel
Cannaregio 6099 (Rialto) Venezia