Ece Abay
Sophia Angelis
Enzo Casale
Stefano Cattai
Antonis Choudalakis
Panos Evangelopoulos
Alessandro Fabriani
Tatiana Ferahian
Raffaele Gatta
Raffaele Gerardi
Dr. George Koemtzopoulos
Cesare Landini
Mario Gabriele Marioli
Monica Marioni
Aurora Mazzoldi
Angela Policastro
Melanie Prapopoulos
Giannis Stratis
Alexis Vlahos
Anna Maria Zoppis
Fine art by artists living in Italy and Greece and of Italian and Greek origin
A captivating survey of modern-day artists from Greece and Italy. The artistic conceptions vary dramatically while retaining a distinctive European character attentive to the human condition. Works of both quiet introspection and visual bravado are included, offering a look into the contemporary art coming from these two prominent Mediterranean locales. Paintings and drawings by 20 artists.