Pierogi 2000
New York
177 north 9th street Brooklyn
718 5992144
Rabinowitz and Palmer
dal 10/1/2002 al 11/2/2002
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pierogi 2000

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Rabinowitz and Palmer

Pierogi 2000, New York

Susan Rabinowitz, Positive Landscape at Gallery 1 and Marilla Palmer, New Work at Gallery 2. Pierogi 2000 has monthly shows featuring the work of artists from Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, and other areas. These are mainly solo shows in order to highlight an individual artist's work.

comunicato stampa

Susan Rabinowitz
positive landscape

11 january - 11 february, 2002
opening friday 11 january, 7-9pm
gallery 1

Marilla Palmer
new work

11 january - 11 february, 2002
opening friday 11 january, 7-9pm
gallery 2

pierogi 2000 is an innovative art gallery in williamsburg, brooklyn, new york

pierogi pe-'ro-ge, pi(e)r-'o- n pl -gi also -gies [Pol, pl. of pierog dumpling, perogi] (1927):

piroshki or pirozhki ,pir-esh-'ke n pl [Russ, pirozhki, pl. or piroshok small tart] (1912):
small cases of dough with meat, cheese, or vegetable filling

pierogi 2000 pe-'ro-ge tu 'thauz-en(d) n [Bklyn] (1994):
artist run gallery in williamsburg, brooklyn.

pierogi 2000 has monthly shows featuring the work of artists from williamsburg, brooklyn, new york, and other areas.
these are mainly solo shows in order to highlight an individual artist's work.

pierogi 2000 also includes the flatfile which began with the idea of making artwork available to a larger audience.
the flatfile has traveled all over the world and includes the work of over 500 artists

Hours: noon to 6p friday through monday and by appointment

pierogi 2000
177 north 9th street Brooklyn, NY 11211
New York

Darina Karpov
dal 7/5/2015 al 6/6/2015

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