kunstWerk aac
Friedrichstrasse 115
Tim Eiag
dal 14/7/2009 al 26/9/2009
Monday - Friday 11 am - 7 pm Saturday 11 am - 4 pm

Segnalato da

Ralf Bertram


Tim Eiag

calendario eventi  :: 


Tim Eiag

kunstWerk aac, Dusseldorf


comunicato stampa

The front of a classical townhouse in the Friedrichstrasse of Dusseldorf, one of the access roads to the city, will become the Netthaus (translated: net house combined with gentle house) during the exhibition of the artists´ artwork in the gallery kunstWerk that is established in this house. Netthaus explores the concept of neighbourhood parting from the relation between social creativity, collective action, environmental action and artistic practices. First there is a single impulse Tim EIAG initiates again and again since 1972. There is a first ribbon that enrols from an plain roll. But then the ribbon spans and suddenly there are many additional ones which are arriving from different positions and becoming arranged crossing and linking. Finally different positions are connected in a big network. Urban spaces are filled with never-ending quantities of informations.

The individual tries to endeavour systems and to create an individual organisation for orientating and positioning oneself. Accompanying with this reaction is a mental saving of temporary perception concerning places, situations and individuals. But intellectually and emotionally nettings of individuals or groups only develop if stereotypic processes and usually points of view - especially in our globalized and digitalised worlds of experiences – are becoming perturbed. That very moment of pausing, focalizing as well as being involved actively or passively engenders the impulse for mutation. Admitting new experiences gives new space, impassions and changes realities.

Tim EIAG creates irritation and by this he provokes the passers-by as well as the acting people to reflect the action. The project is participatory and invites housemates, gallery staff and visitors to develop the process. The activities of the involved parties effecting on the surroundings. Tim EIAG points out the configuration of common living spaces and the vital necessity of collective acting as urge of life. Connecting intuitive actions in a sharing action creates the ideational realization of common wishes and aims. Combining a shop of high-class products and a gallery with alternate exhibitions and happenings the kunstWerk provides a forum for many kinds of artists and all people who are interested in fine arts experiencing the individual languages of arts meant as impulses for a public dialogue concerning consciousness and to deepen consequent impressions and realisations.

action and opening 15th August 2009 . 7-10 pm

kunstWerk aac
Friedrichstrasse 115 - Dusseldorf
Monday - Friday 11 am - 7 pm Saturday 11 am - 4 pm

Tim Eiag
dal 14/7/2009 al 26/9/2009

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