Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia
A Project by Pedro G. Romero
Initiated in 1999, this project by Pedro G. Romero currently offers different kinds of archives, highlighted among them an extensive collection of images on political, antireligious iconoclasm in Spain from 1845 to 1945, which he presents in a reflection on the modern avant-garde's most radical projects. Romero's work tends to use different media and disciplines, such as images, documents and reflections from seminars and publications, as well as different social and political practices. Even though at a first glance Archivo F.X. can be interpreted as reclaiming historical memory, the project is more interested in the destruction of sacred images and objects without being iconoclast itself, and in opening up a new language on the subject, a prime example of which is the Oikonomia Thesaurus, on display at the exhibition.