Works by Gillian Jagger. Fragmented by necessity, they became fragmented by design: a tribute to life's fragility as they are a tribute to endurance and the ultimate affirmation of Platonic love.
This is the third exhibition that the Phyllis Kind Gallery
has mounted of the work of Gillian Jagger. The first
(1997), introduced the work entitled "Matrice" which
itself was a breath extinguishing trauma-producing
exquisite use of "road-kill" (an actual dead deer found
by the artist at the side of the road). It makes a
statement about man's non-concern about his fellow
creatures at the same time that it actually addresses
the reality of death.
The second installation was a piece entitled "Rift"
(1998) which was a veritable pantheon of carrion of all
sorts from horses to cats to deer to cows to zebra and
other wild beasts (as retrieved from the Catskill killing farm.) This magnum opus also
includes old cow stanchions, coiling barbed wire, rusted saws and other cutting tools and
random lengths of weathered board. These elements are composed with brilliant regard to
space, scale and dimension. What we see is a virtuosic rendering in three-dimensions, a
genuine hyperactive moving sculptural form.
Some time went by after "Rift". Some other experiments using cadavers - some even using
canvas and then at 9:45, February 16, 2000, Gillian's horse, Faith, died. Faith was the herd
leader at Gillian's farm. She was killed in a gruesome accident. Ms. Jagger cast her in the
snow. "I cast her. My friend who came for a forgotten coat helped me. It was too cold for the
plaster to cure properly. It stuck to her hair. We pulled off a crumbly mess."
Thus, the exquisite and personal effigies - "Faith I" and "Faith II" were born. Fragmented
by necessity, they became fragmented by design: a tribute to life's fragility as they are a
tribute to endurance and the ultimate affirmation of Platonic love.
Image: Rift, 1998 (Close-up)
Phyllis Kind Gallery
136 Greene Street New York, NY 10012
Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm. (EST)