A project by Dafna Moscati. What is your craziest idea, your wildest fantasy, your ultimate desire? Possibility to sent in and contributes your crazy ideas to the project (until 25 July). Send in your idea in any format you wish!!! A text, a video, A sound recording, a drawing, a picture a person! There are no limitations or restrictions! You can send as many crazy ideas as you want!!
De Appel, Centre for Contemporary Art, Amsterdam. A project by Dafna Moscati.
'Only through madness we can really understand ourselves' (Artaud)
What is your craziest idea, your wildest fantasy, your ultimate desire?
With this project I would like to stress the importance of craziness, to step
out of our conventional borders and barriers. We should dare to see, discover
and realize our craziest thoughts, ideas, dreams and fears. Madness is the way
to tune in with all that the structure we live in, in the form of a prison,
don't allow us to reach.
Crazy is a 'field' project with several stages of development and realization.
- Possibility to sent in and contributes your crazy ideas to the project (until 25 July).
Send in your idea in any format you wish!!! A text, a video, A sound
recording, a drawing, a picture a person! There are no
limitations or restrictions! You can send as many crazy ideas as you want!!
- A space will be created in De Appel where visitors can be inspired, attracted
and invited to research and discover their 'crazy thought'( from July 3 to July
- All the crazy ideas will be displaced in the gallery space of De Appel (from
July 3 to August 18).
- A 1 day open symposium in De Appel where a very special jury will discuss all
the ideas and choose the ultimate crazy idea! They will have of course to reach
a common verdict and justify their choice. (on the 2nd of August.)
-The public announcement of the winner idea (August 3rd to August 17).
-The last stage is to realize the 'Winner crazy idea'. This will be of course a
real surprise for everyone because we have no clue what it will be!! (Dates and
place have still to be determined).
Please visit the website to fill in the form and take part
in the craziest thought competition.
'You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.' Robin
'From the man to the real man, the road pass through the crazy man.' Michel
'We are all born crazy. Someone stays like that.' Samuel Beckett
'Stopping being crazy he became an idiot.' Marcel Proust
De Appel
Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10