Hilla a Bernd Becher
Celeste Boursier-Mougenot
Patrice Carre
Frederic Coupet
Jonas Dahlberg
Hubert Duprat
Jimmie Durham
Andrea Fraser
Douglas Gordon
Thomas Grunfeld
Alex Gyorfi
Pierre Huyghe
Bertrand Lavier
Didier Marcel
Matthew Mc Caslin
Mathieu Mercier
Laurent Montaron
Carsten Nicolai
Paul Pouvreau
Philippe Ramette
Peter Rosel
Eran Schaerf
Franck Scurti
Allan Sekula
Thomas Struth
Pierre Tatu
Erwin Wurm
Peter Wuthrich
Chen Zhen
Viera Jancekova
Vladimir Beskid
Presentation of the video-art from the collections of FRAC du Grand Est. This outstanding exhibition presents a selection of representative collections of five regional contemporary art centres FRAC (Fonds regionaux d'art contemporain) from East France where you can find works by 30 top French and international artists.
Collections of FRAC du Grand Est
Curated by Viera Jancekova and Vladimir Beskid
On Tuesday, October 25, 2005 at 5 pm there is a presentation of the video-art from the collections of FRAC du Grand Est by Eva Donzales-Sancho, director of Frac Dijon at the Trnava University (Univerzitne sq. 1, Trnava) from the authors as Danica Dakič, Peter Downsbrough, Thomas Hirschhorn, Patty Chang, Veronique Joumard, Pia Romicke.
The presentation is part of the exhibition IN-FORMATION. Collections sans Frontieres IV
Organized by: Galeria Jána Koniarka in Trnava in collaboration with the French Institute in Bratislava
Exhibiting artists: Hilla a Bernd Becher, Celeste Boursier-Mougenot, Patrice Carre, Frederic Coupet, Jonas Dahlberg, Hubert Duprat, Jimmie Durham, Andrea Fraser, Douglas Gordon, Thomas Grunfeld, Alex Gyorfi, Pierre Huyghe, Bertrand Lavier, Didier Marcel, Matthew Mc Caslin, Mathieu Mercier, Laurent Montaron, Carsten Nicolai, Paul Pouvreau, Philippe Ramette, Peter Rosel, Eran Schaerf, Franck Scurti, Allan Sekula, Thomas Struth, Pierre Tatu, Erwin Wurm, Peter Wuthrich, Chen Zhen.
IN-FORMATION. Collections sans Frontieres IV
Collections FRAC du Grand Est
IN-FORMATION is an exhibition of contemporary visual art prepared by Galéria Jána Koniarka in Trnava in collaboration with FRAC du Grand Est. The project will be held at the Galéria Jána Koniarka (Synagogue - Centre of Contemporary Art, Koppel House, Permanent Exhibition of Sculptural Works by Jan Koniarek).
This outstanding exhibition presents a selection of representative collections of five regional contemporary art centres FRAC (Fonds régionaux d´art contemporain) from East France (Alsace, Bourgogne, Champagne-Ardenne, Franche-Comté a Lorraine), where you can find works by 30 top French and international artists, such as: Hilla and Bernd Becher, Céleste Boursier-Mougenot, Jonas Dahlberg, Hubert Duprat, Douglas Gordon, Piere Huyghe, Bernard Lavier, Allan Sekula, Thomas Struth, Erwin Wurm, Chen Zhen and many others.
The exhibition attempts at exploring the actual tendencies of visual art after 1980. The project is realized by VladimÃr Beskid and Viera Jančeková and the curators for once focused on the urban environment and its architecture, symbols and fragments, as well as media background and social stratification. The other meaning of the exhibition reflects distortion of today's world by dominating mass(media) and techno-images as it records global urban planning structures as well as petty individual stories that are enacted within this setting. That is why the curators chose for the exhibition objects and installations with the theme of housing, architecture and a wide range of new media (photography, video, video-installation). These works represent today's world seen by contemporary artists and the manner in which "information takes shape", the way news spreads through technical media…
For the space of former Jewish Synagogue and the extension of the Koppel House which hauses Permanent Exhibition of Sculptural Works by Jan Koniarek were selected works that correspond to this specific environment in terms of programme and which respect the particularity of our space. Meditative installation by Céleste Boursier-Mougenot and Carsten Nicolai's object employing sound and vibrations mediated through water are presented at the Synagogue - Centre of Contemporary Art. The Permanent Exhibition of Sculptural Works by Jan Koniarek is for the first time confronted with the non-classical sculpture which is not based on the principles of modelling material. The exhibition shows a wide range of works - objects, that reflect contemporary visual thinking in space by artists: Patrice Carré, Jimie Durham, Matthew Mc Caslin, Peter Rösel and others.
Opening: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 at 5 pm
Galeria Jána Koniarka
Zeleny kricek 3 - Trnava