Cologne Art & Moving Images Awards
On occasion of the 10th anniversary of Cologne International Videoart Festival, the international platform for art and moving images invites artists and film makers all over the world to submit their exciting art videos to 4 calls.
On occasion of the 10th anniversary of Cologne International Videoart Festival, artvideoKOELN, the international platform for art and moving images would like to invite artists and film makers all over the world to submit their exciting art videos to following calls:
CologneOff X
10th Cologne International Videoart Festival
Deadline: 30 April 2014
Theme” Total Art (Gesamtkunstwerk)
The 10th festival edition in sequence is looking for
experimentals film & video works executed by one single artist.
Details, regulations and entry form
animateCologne 2014
Cologne Art & Animation Festival
Deadline: 5 May 2014
as a festival format by CologneOff;
animateCologne is looking for the best animated art works
dealing with the topic “memory & identity”
SFC – Shoah Film Collection
Deadline: 2 June 2014
This worldwide unique inititiative is looking for new
art videos dealing with the topic of “Shoah” to extend
the collection and its presentations worldwide.
CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collections
Deadline: 1 July 2014
For its worldwide presentations, CTF is looking for experimental and documentary art videos
dealing with collective trauma caused by totalitarianism
artvideoKoeln International platform for art & moving images directed & curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne