'Villette Numerique' is the inaugural show of a Biennial festival organized by all 3 Parc de la Villette units in Paris, and dedicated exclusively to the digital arts: The striking feature of this first show is its rich and varied content with installations, shows, concerts, cinema, video games, electronic music nights, workshops, conferences, etc.
Electronic Arts and New Media Festival
From Tuesday 24 to Sunday 29 September 2002 in the Villette Urban Park in Paris
combining the 'Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie' Science & Industry Museum,
'Cité de la Musique' Music Center and the 'parc et Grande Halle de la Villette'.
With the generous support of France Télécom the 'Caisse des Dépôts &
Consignations' public and
investment body.
'Villette Numérique' 2002 is the inaugural show of a Biennial festival organized by
all 3 Parc de la
Villette units in Paris, and dedicated exclusively to the electronic arts: installations,
live shows,
concerts, cinema, video games, electronic dance evenings, practice workshops,
conferences, etc. The Villette is opening its doors to artists from all walks of
electronic life and visitors interested in finding out more and taking part in a
happening art form.
The Villette will bring together artists and visitors from all horizons to share a pallet of enriching experiences combining discovery and thrills.
The festival
The exhibition programme for Villette Numérique is online.
This is just some of what you have to look forward to :
Play Time - Game Room
Villette Emergences
Multimedia works
Link to the programme :
Interviews with some of the artists are also available.
Meet Miltos Manétas, Mai Ueda and Andreas Angelidakis. They all work at the
ElectronicOrphanage, an online performance studio in Los Angeles. On 27
September, ElectronicOrphanage will do a live performance of ' all night long ' on
balcony 4 of the Main Hall. Once again net art will no longer be a mystery to you.
Net @rt
It will soon be possible to look at the ongoing works of competion entrants. They
have done a great job, now it is up to the jury to do the same.
Whatever the results, take advantage as you have hours and hours of surfing to fit
In partnership with the FNAC / http://www.fnac.com
You can download the press pack online in the Press section. It is regularly updated
and will enable you the spread the word about this event.
I don't know what point you are at in our little ' game affair' . As for me I am the
standard protocol they have set up here. They started last week at which point I
received a message from another subscriber. ( does that remind you of anything ? )
Then I was rather suprised to receive a questionnaire that looks at cinema, music
and art. Here is a sample of the kind of questions asked :
' Are you fond of strange environments?
- Do you watch films that contain a sexuel undertone?
- What art forms interest you?
- In the field of architecture, do you prefer the Guggenheim,
Bilbao, or Le Corbusier's buildings ?
- Is temporary solitude something that stimulates creation ?
- Do you like films which, for the most part, are broadcast at night ?
I thought I had told them everything about me, but apparently it wasn't enough.
I shudder at the thought of what lies ahead for me, for us. If all that is about defining
who I am, I think I am going to have some fun, in my universe, in their game.
What about you ?
See you
Villette Numérique epistolary soap, 2nd episode - author : Thibault
The Villette Urban Park in Paris
combining the 'Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie' Science & Industry Museum,
'Cité de la Musique' Music Center and the 'parc et Grande Halle de la Villette'