Guests of Ubu-Websday
Ubu-Websday is a new series of events where invited guests are asked to present a personal selection of material from one of the largest web-based archives, UbuWeb is an independent, non-commercial initiative founded in 1996 by poet and professor Kenneth Goldsmith, initially as a repository for visual, concrete and, later, sound poetry. Over the years, UbuWeb has embraced all forms of the avant-garde and beyond and its parameters continue to expand in all directions. Every Ubu-Websday two guests will introduce a programme of 30-45 min each offering an opportunity to discover the treasures of UbuWeb and together with others. Emil Broome', concert and club organiser, sommelier and wine importer. Carl Lindh is an artist and musician, he has a particular interest in environmental sound and site specificity in relation to improvised music and the act of listening as a possible esthetic practice. Wednesday 9 March, 7pm. (in the image: Charlemange Palestine, Island Song, 1976).