American Bubble Gum. This exhibition is the sequel to Turnbulls Heroes vs. Villains show at Curzon Soho in 2001. Direct monochromatic depictions of characters played by Steve McQueen, Al Pacino or James Caan have given way to bright colour drenched composites laid out in the manner above.
American Bubble Gum
CLAPHAM ART GALLERY is delighted to present BENJAMIN TURNBULL in its inaugural
exhibition at its new 1000sq-ft project space.
Over the past year Turnbull has created a series of monumental paintings based
on American film iconography. Turnbull has drawn on his obsessive lust for cult
Americana to create a stunning collection of pop-influenced hard-edged character
based works. By placing familiar figures such as Superman, Bruce Lee or Dirty
Harry within a framework informed by his own collected junk and memorabilia,
Turnbull has created a personalised fusion of fictional character, bubble gum
card and real-life Magnum Force board game (for ages twenty-one up only!).
This exhibition is the sequel to Turnbulls Heroes vs. Villains show at Curzon
Soho in 2001. Direct monochromatic depictions of characters played by Steve
McQueen, Al Pacino or James Caan have given way to bright colour drenched
composites laid out in the manner above. As viewers we are engulfed by the
splendour of heroic strength or alternatively the glamorous silver-screen beauty
of Jane Fonda, Ursula Andress and Raquel Welch found in the Corps Exquis Chick
In effect Turnbull has created an overwhelming collection of works that reach
beyond their original source matter. He has transferred his cult icons across
mediums and consumed them within his own ideology. A startling representation of
the contemporary heroic remains.
Private View Serving Vodka Collins: Tuesday 12/11/02 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Gallery Hours: Tue-Sat 1pm-9pm Sun 1pm-5pm
Contact: Zavier Ellis / Aniko Pall - +44 (0)20 7720 0955
Image: Turnbull 'Harry's Game' 146x190cm Acrylic on canvas 2002
Clapham Art Gallery
61 venn street london SW4 0BD +44 (0)20 7720 0955