Mysterium. A performance on the ritualistic activities of occult groups
His recent performance work explores how the ritualistic activities of occult groups and individuals can be extended into an action realised by actors (one that hovers on the border between immersion and a more self-conscious, knowing state), and how, in turn, this action can be interpreted in a moving image work. Mysterium will be loosely based on an unrealised performance by the Russian composer Alexander Scriabin, whose intentions for his musical performances became increasingly eccentric. Influenced by both his condition of synesthesia and by Theosophy, Scriabin's unrealisable work was intended to be in the tradition of the Gesamtkunstwerk, or total work of art, in which different sensory experiences overlap and meld into a consummate artwork, or integrated drama. The notion of correspondences was introduced by Swedenborg and further developed by Baudelaire, most notably in his poem of the same name. From 8.30 pm, no admission after this time.