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Febbraio 2025


Project 35

Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York

Project 35 is an evolving exhibition of video works selected by 35 international curators and designed in a flexible presentation format, reflecting the diversity and unique nature of the many national and international art spaces ICI partners with. For Project 35, each curator has been invited to select one artist's video that they think vital for contemporary art audiences across the globe.

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Curated by 35 international curators

Project 35 is an evolving exhibition of video works selected by 35 international curators and designed in a flexible presentation format, reflecting the diversity and unique nature of the many national and international art spaces ICI partners with. For Project 35, each curator has been invited to select one artist’s video that they think vital for contemporary art audiences across the globe. The result heralds the new decade, and showcases a new exhibition concept for ICI, with an eclectic compilation of works that reveal the global reach that video has achieved as a contemporary art medium today. It is most fitting that this project begins with Guy Ben-Ner’s Berkeley’s Island (1999), which refers to George Berkeley’s famous dictum “to be is to be perceived”. It is the curators’ and ICI’s hope that these videos are “perceived” by diverse communities within the exhibitions spaces that Project 35 will travel to, inspiring debate and functioning as an international catalyst for dialogue and exchange.

The works are presented in 4 chapters, each containing 8 to 9 videos, and the exhibition unfolds simultaneously in multiple spaces, chapter-by-chapter, over the period of a year. Project 35 will show a diversity of approaches to making video, as well as the interests artists are addressing in their practice. Taking advantage of the medium's versatility, Project 35 can be viewed in an auditorium, foyer, or in a gallery space. The DVDs can be projected or viewed on a monitor, depending on host venue needs and interests. It may be a key program component in a project space for a year; presented in weekly, monthly or quarterly screenings; or running in the cafe or education room every afternoon.

Project 35 recalls the founding initiatives of ICI. It was 35 years ago that ICI organized its very first exhibition, a seminal survey of video art titled Video Art USA for the São Paulo Biennial. It presented works by artists that included Vito Acconci, Bruce Nauman, Nam June Paik, Keith Sonnier, Steina Vasulka, and Bill Viola among others. These artists were pioneers working in a medium that was just beginning to gain traction in the field of contemporary art, and ICI proved to be an early and committed proponent of it. The international scope of ICI was clearly indicated in this first exhibition, which went on touring 4 more countries across Latin America. With Project 35, ICI further draws from its extensive international network of curators formed over the past 35 years to organize a new exhibition of international video art, and support new collaborations between curators, artists and exhibitions spaces on national and international platforms.

Disc 1: Guy Ben-Ner, Yukihiro Taguchi, Dan Halter, Zhou Xiaohu, Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz, The Propeller Group, Kota Ezawa, Edwin Sanchez, and Robert Cauble

Disc 2: Sammy Baloji, Jos de Gruyter and Harald Thys, Andrea Büttner, Alexander Apóstol, Daniela Paes Leao, Ranbir Kaleka, Ho Tzu Nyen, and Stephen Sutcliffe

Disc 3: Azorro Group, Yason Banal, Tracey Moffatt, Meris Angioletti, Michael Stevenson, Vyacheslav Akhunov, Beryl Korot, Anja Medved, and Tracey Rose

Disc 4: Ulla Von Brandenburg, Elodie Pong, Chto delat/What is to be done?, Chen Chieh-jen, Manon de Boer, Angela Detanico & Rafael Lain, Nestor Krüger, Vartan Avakian, and Tamar Guimarães

Mai Abu ElDahab (Egypt/Belgium), Magali Arriola (Mexico), Ruth Auerbach (Venezuela), Zoe Butt (Australia/Vietnam), Yane Calovski (Macedonia), Amy Cheng (Taiwan), Lee Weng Choy (Singapore), Ana Paula Cohen (Brazil), Joselina Cruz (Philippines), Sergio Edelsztein (Argentina/Israel), Charles Esche (UK/Netherlands), Lauri Firstenberg (U.S.), Alexie Glass-Kantor (Australia), Julieta Gonzalez (Venezuela), Anthony Huberman (Switzerland/U.S.), Mami Kataoka (Japan), Lars Bang Larsen (Denmark), Constance Lewallen (U.S.), Lu Jie (China), Raimundas Malasauskas (Lithuania/France), Francesco Manacorda (Italy), Chus Martinez (Spain), Viktor Misiano (Russia), David Moos (Canada), Deeksha Nath (India), Simon Njami (Cameroon/France), Hans Ulrich Obrist (Switzerland/UK), Jack Persekian (Palestine), José Roca (Colombia), Bisi Silva (Nigeria), Franklin Sirmans (U.S.), Kathryn Smith (South Africa), Susan Sollins (U.S.), Mirjam Varadinis (Switzerland), and WHW (Croatia)

Project 35: Interview Series
This online series was developed by five M.A. candidates studying within various visual arts fields at NYU during ICI’s Spring 2011 Curatorial Practice course. The series provides increased engagement with the art and ideas behind Project 35 through interviews with the artists involved in the project and the curators who selected their work.

Image: Guy Ben-Ner, Berkeley's Island, 1999

Media contact:
Amy Aronoff 718.636.3554 or

Opening reception: thursday, June 16, 6-8PM

Pratt Manhattan Gallery
144 West 14th Street New York
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Admission free

Sleuthing the Mind
dal 16/9/2014 al 4/11/2014

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
UnDo.Net è un dispositivo di creazione di valore immateriale; pensato come "ecosistema" della cultura contemporanea, come modello partecipativo che sviluppi la condivisione di ricerche, risorse e conoscenze, la collaborazione e lo scambio.
In questi 20 anni UnDo.Net ha perseguito il suo scopo: inventare un nuovo spazio, che prima non esisteva, di sperimentazione e di ricerca, di confronto e di dialogo.


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