Jean-noël et/ou Nathalie Lafargue
Bla-bla, a work by French artist Claude Closky installed in the old newspaper kiosk MPK, in downtown Luxembourg (avenue Marie-Thérèse with Pont Adolphe). Untitled (Supermarket), a wall paper installation by Claude Closky, in the entrance hall of the Maison Schoetter, Banque Generale du Luxembourg (Bd Royal with rue Notre Dame).
The Fondation continues its pre-opening programme "Be the Artists' Guest"
The Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean presents Bla-bla - a work by French
artist Claude Closky installed in the old newspaper kiosk MPK, in downtown
Luxembourg, Place de Bruxelles (avenue Marie-Thérèse with Pont Adolphe). From January 15, until
January 2004.
'An enigmatic dialogue is displayed in bright letters: 'the timetable is
under high surveillance', 'I hate people being late', 'They take away your
life'... A monument to nonsense, Bla-bla (title of the work), has been
especially conceived by Claude Closky for public spaces. Here his work
consists in repeting stories endlessly to the point of transforming them
into a simple pattern, emptied of all content. Bla-bla is a compilation of
highlighted sentences printed in magazines ranging from the interviews of
celebreties to the letters to the editor by unknown authors. The outcome is
four and a half hours of language going around in circles, with no content,
but not without effect. (...)'
Nelly Kaprièlian, in 'Un train de retard', les Inrockuptibles n°187, 24 février
- 2 mars 1999.
Untitled (Supermarket) by Claude Closky
>From January 15 2003, the museum presents Untitled (Supermarket), a wall
paper installation by Claude Closky, in the entrance hall of the Maison
Schoetter, Banque Générale du Luxembourg (Bd Royal with rue Notre Dame).
Fondation Musé d'Art
Grand-Duc Jean
10, Avenue Guillaume
L-1650 Luxembourg
+352 45 37 85-1
+352 45 37 85 30
Newspaper kiosk MPK, Place de Bruxelles, avenue Marie-Thérèse with Pont Adolphe - Luxembourg
Maison Schoetter, Banque Générale du Luxembourg (Bd Royal with rue Notre Dame - Luxembourg