Jean-Michel Alberola
Pierre Alechinsky
Eduardo Arroyo
Miquel Barcelo
Lars Fredrikson
Wolfgang Gafgen
Jean Le Gac
Brice Marden
Henri Michaux
Pierre Soulages
Vladimir Velickovic
Societe des Amis de la Fondation Maeght (Friends society), 45 years of acquisitions. The exhibition display pieces by well-known artists, including Jean-Michel Alberola, Pierre Alechinsky, Arman, Eduardo Arroyo, Balthus, Miquel Barcelo, Erro, Lars Fredrikson, Wolfgang Gafgen, Jean Le Gac, Brice Marden, Henri Michaux, Pierre Soulages and Vladimir Velickovic. An overview of art history during these last decades.
The Marguerite and Aimé Maeght Foundation will soon be celebrating the anniversary of its Société des Amis - friends society - with an exhibition which gathers together the collection acquired throughout the years by the association. From 17 October to 18 March 2012, 45 years of acquisitions will be shown at the Fondation Maeght in Saint–Paul and will give an overview of art history during these last decades.
Olivier Kaepplelin, curator of the exhibition and director of the foundation since Spring this year, declared: "To celebrate the occasion, this collection within the collection — which gives a vision of the major questions posed by art concerning the individual, ideas and forms for the past fifty years — is being presented for the first time in its entirety."
The event also aims at celebrating friendship, a value that has guided Marguerite and Aimé Maeght when collecting. Adrien Maeght, President of the institution, also highlights that "friendship has always been and will remain at the heart of the Maeght Foundation and its collections.
The Société des Amis has more than 1000 members and supports the foundation's work, as well as assisting in new acquisitions. It is thanks to this association that the establishment is able to boast such a fantastic array artworks.
"50 artists, one collection" will display pieces by well–known artists, including Jean-Michel Alberola, Pierre Alechinsky, Arman, Eduardo Arroyo, Balthus, Miquel Barcelo, Erro, Lars Fredrikson, Wolfgang Gäfgen, Jean Le Gac, Brice Marden, Henri Michaux, Pierre Soulages and Vladimir Velickovic.
Image: Jesús Rafael Soto, Pénétrable, 1992. Métal et nylon, 500 x 1080 x 720 cm. Œuvre acquise en 1992.
© Adagp, Paris 2011 - Archives Fondation Maeght, photo Alkis Voliotis
National and international press:
Bonne Idée (Paris)
Marie-Louise Bichon et Frédérique Delcroix Tel: +33 01 75437264 -
Fondation Maeght
623, chemin des Gardettes 06570 Saint-Paul de Vence, France
Open every day, without exception:
October-March: 10 am -1 pm / 2 pm - 6 pm
April-June: 10 am - 6 pm
July-September: 10 am - 7 pm
The ticket office closes 30 minutes before closing time.
Entrance fees:
Adults: €14
Groups (more than 10 people), students and under 18 years old : €9
Children under 10: free
Filming and photography: €5