Film screening
"The Forgotten Space" (2010), an essay film born as a collaboration between Allan Sekula and the French filmmaker, film critic and originator of the concept of the essay film, Noel Burch. At its world premiere at the film festival in Venice in 2010 the film received the Special Orizzonti Jury prize. 112min. Language: English. (Doc.Eye Film in coproduktion with Wildart Film.). "Those of us who travel by air, or who "go surfing" on the Web, scarcely think of the sea as a space of transport any more. We live instead in the age of cyberspace, of instantaneous electronic contact between everywhere and everywhere else (allan Sekula). The film screeening will be followed by a conversation with the two artist. Friday, June 22, 2012, 6.30 pm, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Auditorium, Free Entry.