Accademia. Un evento concepito dai 18 membri attualmente in residenza presso la Villa: artisti, compositori, scrittori, storici dell'arte, designer e architetti. Questa terza edizione riflette criticamente su cio' che significa oggi avere la possibilita' di viaggiare in Paesi diversi.
By official decree, the French Academy in Rome has two primary missions: the first, called “mission Colbert” – thus named because it was initiated in the 17th century by Louis XIV’s minister of the same name – concerns the integration of the Villa’s artists and scholars in residence; the second, called “mission Malraux”, after General de Gaulle’s minister who established it in the 1960s, aims to disseminate culture through the organization of prestigious events.
The “Theatre of Exhibitions” attempts to explicitly weave together these two missions.
The event is conceived not simply as a series of open days (or open workshops) as is traditionally the case in academies. Such events, designed to showcase the work of resident artists to local audiences, often resemble a fête or village fair. Nor is it to be seen as an exhibition like those at the end of a diploma or course of studies, whose purpose is to showcase works undertaken on site and in a limited time. We are indeed dealing here with a series of events which potentially cover all fields of creation and research (including art history and music history), organized by the artists and scholars in residence of the French Academy in Rome. Their work is exposed to the reactions of others, with no undue privilege granted to the visual arts. Painting, drawing, sculpture, video and photography are on show, but there has also been musical composition, theatre, literary and cinematic creation, reflections on history and art history (including the history of the institution itself, with its concrete objects), and even theological reflections.
After the first “Theatre of Exhibitions” in 2010, which took place over a longer period of time and was more spatially constrained (being located in a temporary pavilion, conceived and achieved by two of the resident artists, Elias Guenoun, architect, and Philippe Millot, designer), the second edition of the “Theatre of Exhibitions”, curated by Marcello Smarrelli, transformed the Villa Medici into a vast theatre of operations, battlefields and meetings, which provided less a space to present finished works than to make true works in progress visible.
This third edition, curated by Alessandro Rabottini, investigates and tries to critically explore the meaning, today, of having a chance to travel in a different country, spend one year researching, studying and experimenting within a context that has its own cultural, symbolic, social and political value.
The aim of this event is to show the Villa Medici as what it is each day, in the more or less secret workshops and pavilions, namely: an immense laboratory.
“Accademia” will take place at Villa Medici in Rome, the site of the French Academy.
Starting from July 2012 a number of exhibitions, lectures, screenings and performances will be conceived by the 18 fellows currently holding a research position at the Villa as visual artists, composers, writers, art historians, designers and architects.
“Accademia” will function as a conceptual framework for a number of manifestations, very different from each other.
Its concept starts from a very simple question: how can we understand the nature of the context in which we are operating, without taking it for granted?
This is the reason why “Accademia” questions its very condition of existence: the nature and the function of a National Academy today.
There are many types of academies: the Academy of Fine Arts, the Linguistic Academy, the Military Academy and, of course, the National Academy… they are all institutions of higher learning, where a specific knowledge is perpetuated, researched and expanded.
“Accademia” starts from and develops a series of questions:
- Is it possible to conceive the acts of teaching and learning as “neutral” actions?
- Is our own specific field of knowledge a territory free from ideology or is it the playground where ideology performs at a very subliminal level?
- Through my own work, am I questioning the concept of “national identity” or am I reinforcing it?
- How can we understand the dialectic between preserving the history of a specific form of knowledge and protecting an invisible border?
The first instalment of “Accademia” is a virtual one, in the shape of an on-line platform.
The “Alphabet” is the first of a series of editorial inputs: starting from now and until June, 27-28th – when the first of two group exhibitions will take place at Villa Medici – it will serve as an on-line, collective sketch book.
All the fellows are then invited to post images, videos, texts and audio files to comment, expand and negotiate the Alphabet.
The Participants:
- ADAM Philippe
- BOCK Katinka
- CARRENO Juan Pablo
- COGITORE Clément
- DROUIN Geoffroy
- FILIDEI Francesco
- GUICHARD Charlotte
- MELLIER Fanette
- MICHEL Camille
- MONTARON Laurent
- NOEL James
- SENGES Pierre
- TIAN Leilei
- VADROT Olivier
Curator Alessandro Rabottini
Teatro delle Esposizioni #3
a cura di Alessandro Rabottini
Il 3 e il 4 ottobre l’Accademia di Francia a Roma – Villa Medici presenta il secondo appuntamento di Teatro delle Esposizioni #3, dal titolo Accademia. Il primo episodio ha avuto luogo lo scorso giugno.
Accademia, curata da Alessandro Rabottini, non é una mostra d’arte tradizionale, ma un momento in cui i borsisti di Villa Medici, incontrando il pubblico, condividono suggestioni fra loro diverse: arti visive, musica, narrativa, grafica, architettura, cinema, poesia e storia dell’arte. Lo scopo che si prefigge Accademia è dunque quello di mostrare Villa Medici nella sua quotidianità, nelle sue più segrete officine e nei padiglioni, come un importante laboratorio creativo e artistico.
Accademia quindi, propone una serie di manifestazioni di arte molto diverse fra loro, interrogandosi sulla natura, e sulla funzione che un’Accademia Nazionale svolge al giorno d’oggi. Con questo progetto, infatti, si vogliono ridefinire nuovi confini di diverse discipline che si intersecano e comunicano tra loro, mantenendone le rispettive specificità.
Accademia si colloca perfettamente all’interno della manifestazione Teatro delle Esposizioni, giunta quest’anno alla sua terza edizione. Iniziata da Éric de Chassey, attuale direttore dell’Accademia di Francia a Roma – Villa Medici, che così la descrive: “Il Teatro delle Esposizioni è stato organizzato per permettere ai borsisti di Villa Medici di lavorare insieme, di esporsi gli uni agli altri e al pubblico, mostrando la diversità delle discipline e delle ricerche di oggi”.
Il Teatro delle Esposizioni si propone di intrecciare esplicitamente le due missioni che l’Accademia di Francia a Roma – Villa Medici ha per decreto ufficiale. La prima, chiamata missione Colbert – perché istituita nel XVIIesimo secolo da un ministro di re Luigi XIV con quel nome – riguarda l’integrazione tra artisti e borsisti residenti nella Villa. La seconda, chiamata missione Malraux – in onore del ministro del Generale De Gaulle che la istituì negli anni ’60 – ha invece lo scopo di diffondere la cultura attraverso l’organizzazione di eventi prestigiosi.
3 ottobre
Philippe Adam, Katinka Bock, Juan Pablo Carreño, Clément Cogitore, Francesco Filidei, Charlotte Guichard, Fanette Mellier, Camille Michel, Laurent Montaron, James Noël, Manon Recordon, Pierre Senges, Leilei Tian, Olivier Vadrot, Emmanuel Van der Meulen.
4 ottobre
Philippe Adam, Katinka Bock, Juan Pablo Carreño, Clément Cogitore, Francesco Filidei, Charlotte Guichard, Fanette Mellier, Camille Michel, Laurent Montaron, James Noël, Manon Recordon, Pierre Senges, Leilei Tian, Olivier Vadrot, Emmanuel Van der Meulen.
Magic Malik, Thibault de Montalembert, Sören Hermansson e Jörgen Pettersson, Fabrice Ravel-Chapuis, Nanni Balestrini.
Ufficio stampa
Ludovica Solari Tel: +39 06 6761611 e-mail:
Accademia di Francia a Roma – Villa Medici – Grand salon, salon des pensionnaires, atelier del bosco, sala cinema, biblioteca, piazzale, loggia.
viale Trinità dei Monti 1 – 00187 Roma
dalle ore 18 – 22.30
Ingresso gratuito