Giunge alla V Edizione l'iniziativa che si propone di mettere al centro della comunicazione su Twitter le istituzioni museali. Quest'anno l'evento comprende anche altri Social Network quali Pinterest, Google+ e Facebook, l'unico requisito e' usare l'hashtag #followamuseum.
What is Follow a Museum Day?
The first “Follow a Museum Day” was started by Jim Richardson in 2010 and has since been celebrated on twitter every 1st of February. Thousands of museums & art galleries are tweeting – telling & reflecting our history.
What is the “Follow a Museum Day”?
Many major and also smaller museums are represented on twitter. They show us (our) treasures and inspire us daily. With their different exhibitions on display, they also provide a new possible insight on our life. We can either agree or openly discuss a curator‘s approach and ask questions by simply sending a tweet to a museum. The “Follow a Museum Day” is like a museum day on the social network twitter. Follow the hashtag #follawamuseum and RT on your account! How important are museums to you? Please, share your thoughts!
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