DoubleVision Gallery
Los Angeles
5820 Wilshire Boulevard #100
323. 936.1531 FAX 323. 936.1531
Philippa Blair
dal 20/2/2004 al 27/3/2004
323.936.1553 FAX 323. 936.1531
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DoubleVision Gallery


Philippa Blair

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Philippa Blair

DoubleVision Gallery, Los Angeles

This new series of paintings and drawings, called 'Cutting Loose' is an exploration of the canvas and picture plane, where the canvas is plotted and mapped aerially, allowing the artist to make inroads into the paintings, creating a kind of road map triggered by the artist's travels from the Southern Alps of New Zealand to Los Angeles freeways, from Connecticut to Italy. The paintings are like abstract reminiscences of place, going down one road that leads to others in the journey of urban life.

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'Cutting Loose'

DoubleVision Gallery is very pleased to present a second solo exhibition of New Zealand-born, Los Angeles-based artist Philippa Blair from Feb 21 ­ March 27, 2004 with a reception for the artist on Saturday Feb 21, from 5-8pm.

This new series of paintings and drawings, called 'Cutting Loose' is an exploration of the canvas and picture plane, where the canvas is plotted and mapped aerially, allowing the artist to make inroads into the paintings, creating a kind of road map triggered by the artist's travels from the Southern Alps of New Zealand to Los Angeles freeways, from Connecticut to Italy. The paintings are like abstract reminiscences of place, going down one road that leads to others in the journey of urban life. They are filled with surprises, actions and gestures, hybrid forces and precarious juxtapositions. The generously sculpted/painted surface with luscious spectrum of colors create vibrant and demanding visual rhythms and structures.

Blair's collages/drawings, served as warm-ups rather than literal studies to the larger works, are original and exciting echoes with her paintings of her travel not only in physical space, but also in memory, desire.

'The element of time, the fourth dimension is also apparent in their barely contained velocity; trajectories of paint applied with such dexterity, they are intrinsic, inextricable stand-ins for motion and inertia.' (Alice L. Hutchison 2004)

Image: (l.) "Cut Loose", 2003, oil on canvas, 36 x 36
(r.) "Fleet Dreams", 2001, mixed media on paper, 14 x 11"

Opening Reception: Saturday, February 21, 5-8pm

For more information on this exhibition and Blair's works, contact the gallery at (323) 936-1553. Slides and reproductions of the works in the exhibitions are available for publication purposes. Catalogue also available.

Gallery Hours, Wednesday ­ Saturday, 11:00 ­ 4:30 p.m. or by appointment

DoubleVision Gallery
5820 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel: (323) 936-1553

Nancy and Sonia Romero
dal 14/5/2004 al 12/6/2004

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