A Dog Republic
Martí Anson
Charif Benhelima
Otto Berchem
Marc Bijl
Katinka Bock
Kasper Bosmans
Thorsten Brinkmann
Mariano Castillo Deball
Lucile Desamory
Liesbeth Doms
Matias Faldbakken
Thomas Galler
Pieterjan Ginckels
Pablo Helguera
Scott King
Gabriel Kuri
Mark Lombardi
Ingrid Luche
Mark Manders
Domenico Mangano
Alessandro Pessoli
Falke Pisano
Nicolas Provost
Kelly Schacht
Thomas Schütte
Zhou Tao
Oscar Tuazon
Rinus Van de Velde
Lily Van der Stokker
Mark Wallinger
Phillip Van den Bossche
Hilde Teerlinck
Lorenzo Benedetti
Patrick Ronse
Contemporary Art by the Sea. The group exhibition will be spread out across three unique locations, and will complement this unconventional presentation. Conceived as a trilogy, some forty artists will display new projects or already existing works.
Curated by: Lorenzo Benedetti , Patrick Ronse, Hilde Teerlinck and Phillip Van den Bossche
The fifth edition of Beaufort entitled ‘Beyond
Borders’ continues to build upon the tradition of art
in the public space from the previous editions, but
also makes a firm choice for change and innovation.
The Province of West Flanders is the initiating party,
and along with the Department of Culture has invited
the ten coastal municipalities to support this inno-
vative artistic concept and to help accomplish it.
The artistic concept was developed by the curators
Lorenzo Benedetti (De Appel in Amsterdam), Patrick
Ronse (Be-Part in Waregem), Hilde Teerlinck (free-
lance curator) and Phillip Van den Bossche (Mu.ZEE
in Ostend). Production, implementation and supervi-
sion are provided by a new coordination team estab-
lished in Mu.ZEE: Anne Mouton, Laure-Anne Tillieux
and Els Wuyts.
Beyond Borders opts for a complete project along
the coast, whereby a solo exhibition by the A Dog
Republic collective led by 91-year-old architect,
urbanist, and designer Yona Friedman is combined
with a group exhibition at three locations in the
province: the Zwin Nature centre along the east
coast, Raversyde in the centre and visitor centre De
Nachtegaal with the surrounding Oosthoek dunes
along the west coast. The solo exhibition consti-
tutes the artistic link between these three loca-
tions, in order to complete the continuity of Beyond
Borders in content and presentation.
At the invitation of Beaufort Beyond Borders, ‘A Dog
Republic’ is developing a major project entitled ‘Musée
Promenade’. ‘Musée Promenade’ is the title of the pro-
ject along the 67 kilometres of coastline, enchanting
in many ways. This ‘museum’ takes shape while walk-
ing, and over time and depending on location assumes
various forms. This will include drawings in the sand, in
shop windows and in Plexiglas boxes, as well as flags,
posters and texts in the streets, films, architectural in-
stallations, pavilions, ... Visitors, hikers and passers-by
will hereby be given the space to take on an active role.
‘Musée Promenade’ will be a genuine spectacle in the
streets, shops, buildings, beaches, ports, and prome-
nades of the 10 coastal municipalities. Most striking
will be the various architectural prototypes, based on
Yona Friedman’s ideas on ‘mobile architecture’ and ‘self
The group exhibition will be spread out across three
unique locations, and will complement this unconven-
tional presentation. Conceived as a trilogy, some forty
artists will display new projects or already existing works.
A combination of recently graduated art scholars, more
established names and well-known international artists
will take on the challenge and bring surprising and highly
diverse proposals. Think film, floral installations, neon,
dioramas, ... Nothing is too much in this edition.
Beyond Borders takes place from 21 June until 21
September 2015, but has the ambition of going ‘be-
yond the borders’ of the exhibition itself, and of its
temporary nature. By reflecting on art in the public
space, by looking for new ideas on art and architec-
ture, art and science, art and urbanization, ecology,
sustainability, activism, education, ... its aspiration
is to have a long-term impact on society.
How do contemporary artists formulate new pro-
posals within the walls of a museum, or an art exhibi-
tion? Following the example of “Sonsbeek buiten de
perken” in 1971, we wish to chart the newest roads
taken by artists, and look beyond the borders of the
art world. The curators make a conscious choice to
include barely any seaside and beach locations or
monumentality, but in this Beyond Borders edition
of Beaufort respond to the demand for small scale
and ‘public intimacy’ of art proposals – even though
the scale may certainly still be large. The three lo-
cations where the group exhibitions will take place
show strong connections with nature and are close-
ly related to this approach.
Along with the artists and the exhibition visitors
we search how ‘ideas gain traction’. Indeed, the
exhibition will include not only works of art but will
also bring lectures, small-scale concerts, perfor-
mances, film screenings, workshops, a research
residency on ‘Comfort & Resistance’... For this pur-
pose we collaborate with various organizations,
including Vrijstaat O., VUB Crosstalks, stroom
Den Haag, Leffingeleuren, Theater aan Zee, CAHF
(Contemporary Art Heritage Flanders), Be-Part,
KASK Gent, Ons Erfdeel, ...
Image: invitation
Press Contact:
Anne Mouton Project coordinator +32 (0) 59 564590 +32 (0) 490 442921
Press preview: 16–17 June
Zwin Nature Centre
Graaf Léon Lippensdreef 8
8300 Knokke-Heist
Provincial Domain of Raversyde
Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 636
8400 Oostende
De Nachtegaal
Olmendreef 2
8660 De Panne
Hours: Daily 10am–6pm