Flying and Dying. Part of a series of interactive installations aimed at exploring the absurdity and futility of existence through involving the spectator in a continuous process of destruction and reconstruction. There's a mechanism whereby in which pushing a button, butterflies can be launched into flight - only to again retire from their living expression and return to the bottom of the glass box.
Flying and Dying. Interactive installation
Flying and Dying is the latest work by Yarisal & Kublitz and is part of a series of interactive installations aimed at exploring the absurdity and futility of existence through involving the spectator in a continuous process of destruction and reconstruction. According to Freud we rehearse our fears in order to lessen them. Flying and Dying offers the spectator- for a brief moment the opportunity to gain control over life and death. In Yarisal & Kublitz’s latest interactive sculpture there exists a mechanism whereby in which pushing a button, butterflies can be launched into flight - only to again retire from their living expression and return to the bottom of the glass box.
Flying and Dying explores the fragility and temporality that characterizes life. Similar to the butterflies, our own lives are dependent and connected to others and we have no control over our entering and rarely our departing of life.Flying and dying can been seen as an absurd attempt to gain a sense of control over the crude realities of life and death.
By making the butterflies fly, the installation evokes a sense of satisfaction in the viewer only to be succeeded by the disturbing and meaningless nature of the piece. The formal presentation of the installation also adds to the cynicism of the work and puts emphasis on the juxtaposition of the beauty of butterflies in nature versus their inertia in culture. But to dismiss the piece only as a morbid game would be too easy. Even if art is artificial, the effect is real and even childish games have impact on their participants.
Yarisal & Kublitz graduated from Central Saint Martins in 2004 and have exhibited in London and Copenhagen and have shows forthcoming in New York, Berlin and Geneva.Yarisal & Kublitz
Yarisal & Kublitz
Private viewing: 22, 6-9
210 Cambridge heath Road
E2 9LS
Thursday – Sunday 12:oo – 18:oo