Sexual Strategies in Western Art
Western art treats sex
only in a sole way (or
nearly): violence. It is
almost always, in the
stories treating it, about
trickery and trap,
abduction and rape,
struggle and murder.
Ovid's metamorphosis is
the ancient model of
these dubious practices,
where an infringing ritual
comes out, that is to say
a transformist ritual of
which the zoophilic coitus of Leda seems to be
symbolic. And the obsessional motive of the
embrace ends up becoming the ambiguous
excuse of a noxious fusion where love of another
self is crystallising.
And yet, for a long time we have stopped seeing
these images as what they are: an inexhaustible
and cruel metaphor of what we call with a
feminist word, dear to Bourdieu, the male
domination. The old Western humanism reveals
only (once again) its principle of deception.
This intervention, that claims to adhere to the
critical liberty, as introduced in the Parti-pris
series of the Louvre, of which the authors have
been in charge, is not an ordinary exhibition. No
worship of artists, but an effort of interpretation:
an archaeology of the symptom that aims to
hound down the strategies if desire and the
tricks of the unconscious. In this way, thanks to a
hundred works of art, an other history is
elaborated, a counter-history where, from Ingres
to Duchamp, from Michelangelo to Degas and
alike, what counts is not so much the visual form
as the sexual structure of the work of art.
- Authors: Francoise Viatte and Regis Michel
Louvre Musuem
FR France