Danil Akimov
Oleg Blyablyas
Common Trembling Group
San Donato
Dorothee Bienert
Dortje Drechsel
Marina Sorbello
Antje Weitzel
The exhibition presents art works dealing with the present and past of the Kaliningrad region, with local traditions and the social situation. In his project Blyablyas plays ironically with the omnipresence of amber as a slogan in policy, advertising and mass media. The humourous projects of the artists' group San Donato critically address the power structures of oligarchies and corporate groups. Akimov and Blyablyas perform a pseudo-documentary Life Act.
The exhibition Adventures in Amberland, on show in the neighbouring premises of uqbar and
Kronenboden in Schwedenstr. 16, presents art works dealing with the present and past of the
Kaliningrad region, with local traditions and the social situation.
The city of Kaliningrad is one of the most important Russian economic hubs on the Baltic Sea
shore. At the time, it is marked by a chequered history: Königsberg was a member of the „Hanse“,
from the 13th to the 16th century the city was part of the German „Ordensstaat“ and later of
Ostpreußen. After Word War II, the heavily destroyed city became part of the Soviet Union. The
Kalinigrad region was declared a prohibited zone, the remains of the Königsberg Castle were
blown up, and Kaliningrad was remodeled as new soviet city with the objective to elminate any
memory of the city’s German tradition. Since 1990, however, the commemoration of German
history is being officially supported, not least to increase tourism.
In his project Amber Region (2007-2008) Oleg Blyablyas (*1967) plays ironically with the
omnipresence of amber as a slogan in policy, advertising and mass media (there is the AMBER
international singing competition AMBER NIGHTINGALE, a dog exhibition AMBER DACHSHUND etc.).
Blyablyas’ photographs are taken through an amber lens, and a video shows his friends at a
barbecue around an amber fire...
The Common Trembling Group (Yulia Abramova, *1982, Aleksandr Lyubin, *1982) carries out
actions like Tramway, Stop, Bridge (2005): an enigmatic black figure, tied up like a parcel, appears in
public space, irritating passers-by. For the project Jasnoe (2006) the artists collaborated with
children to point to the history and future of the shrinking city Jasnoe. The project Cheerful and
Terrible (2008-2009) also deals with the poetics of cities and traditions dieing out.
The group San Donato (Oleg Blyablyas, Evgeny Umansky, Aleksej Chebykin, Irina Chesnokova) is
named after Anatol Demidov di San Donato (1813-1870), the owner of a mining and steel empire in
the Urals and a promoter of art and science. During his time as embassador in Italy, he bought the
title „Prince of San Donato“, later he founded a city with this name in the Caucasus. The
humourous projects of the artists’ group critically address the power structures of oligarchies and
corporate groups.
On the occasion of the exhibition opening, Kaliningrad artists Danil Akimov (*1976) and Oleg
Blyablyas perform a pseudo-documentary Life Act with the title Alice in Amberland, an audio-
visual collage with music and text material from the „Golden Age“ and the soviet utopian era of
the Königsberg-Kaliningrad region, intertwined with contemporary elements.
Danil Akimov and Oleg Blyablyas will spend several weeks in Berlin as recipients of a residency
grant, organised by uqbar and supported by the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen. The results
will be on show at uqbar in January 2011.
The exhibition and residencies are supported by ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart.
a project by Dorothee Bienert, Dortje Drechsel, Marina Sorbello und Antje Weitzel
Image: Common Trembling Group, Tramway, Stop, Bridge, 2005
Opening Friday, December 10, 2010, 19 h
Life Act Alice in Amberland by Danil Akimov and Oleg Blyablyas, 20 h
Schwedenstr. 16, D -13357 Berlin
Hours: Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wedding, 14 – 19 Uhr and by appointment
Free admission